octoposprime / op-be-graphql

OctopOS Prime Backend Api Gateway
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Refactor dlr.resolvers.go: Comment & Return #68

Closed Feyzanrs closed 3 months ago

Feyzanrs commented 3 months ago

In the pkg/presentation/controller/graphql/resolver/dlr.resolvers.go file, please comment out all existing methods and update their return values to nil, nil. This adjustment is necessary to temporarily disable functionality without removing the method structures.

The new version of the code:

package presentation

// This file will be automatically regenerated based on the schema, any resolver implementations
// will be copied through when generating and any unknown code will be moved to the end.
// Code generated by github.com/99designs/gqlgen version v0.17.44

import (

    presentation "github.com/octoposprime/op-be-graphql/pkg/presentation/dto/model"

// CreateDlr is the resolver for the createDlr field.
func (r *mutationResolver) CreateDlr(ctx context.Context, dlr presentation.DlrInput) (*presentation.Dlr, error) {
    // userId := ctx.Value(smodel.QueryKeyUid).(string)

    // dlrID := ""
    // if dlr.ID != nil {
    //  dlrID = *dlr.ID
    // }

    // if authResponse, err := r.CommandHandler.CheckAuth(ctx, &pb_auth.AuthRequest{EntityType: "dlr", EntityId: dlrID, UserId: userId, Action: "create"}); !authResponse.IsAuthorized || err != nil {
    //  return nil, mo.ErrorUnauthorized
    // }

    // dtoData := presentation.NewDlrDto(&dlr)
    // resultData, err := r.CommandHandler.CreateDlr(ctx, dtoData.ToPb())
    // if err != nil {
    //  return nil, err
    // }
    // dtoData.PbData = resultData
    // return dtoData.ToModel(), nil
    return nil, nil

// UpdateDlrBase is the resolver for the updateDlrBase field.
func (r *mutationResolver) UpdateDlrBase(ctx context.Context, dlr presentation.DlrInput) (*presentation.Dlr, error) {
    // userId := ctx.Value(smodel.QueryKeyUid).(string)
    // userType := ctx.Value(smodel.QueryKeyUType).(pb_user.UserType)
    // if userType != pb_user.UserType_UserTypeADMIN {
    //  user.ID = &userId
    // }
    // dtoData := presentation.NewDlrDto(&dlr)
    // resultData, err := r.CommandHandler.UpdateDlrBase(ctx, dtoData.ToPb())
    // if err != nil {
    //  return nil, err
    // }
    // dtoData.PbData = resultData
    // return dtoData.ToModel(), nil
    return nil, nil

// UpdateDlrCore is the resolver for the updateDlrCore field.
func (r *mutationResolver) UpdateDlrCore(ctx context.Context, dlr presentation.DlrInput) (*presentation.Dlr, error) {
    // userId := ctx.Value(smodel.QueryKeyUid).(string)
    // userType := ctx.Value(smodel.QueryKeyUType).(pb_user.UserType)
    // if userType != pb_user.UserType_UserTypeADMIN {
    //  user.ID = &userId
    // }
    // dtoData := presentation.NewDlrDto(&dlr)
    // resultData, err := r.CommandHandler.UpdateDlrCore(ctx, dtoData.ToPb())
    // if err != nil {
    //  return nil, err
    // }
    // dtoData.PbData = resultData
    // return dtoData.ToModel(), nil
    return nil, nil

// UpdateDlrStatus is the resolver for the updateDlrStatus field.
func (r *mutationResolver) UpdateDlrStatus(ctx context.Context, dlr presentation.DlrInput) (*presentation.Dlr, error) {
    // userId := ctx.Value(smodel.QueryKeyUid).(string)
    // userType := ctx.Value(smodel.QueryKeyUType).(pb_user.UserType)
    // if userType != pb_user.UserType_UserTypeADMIN {
    //  user.ID = &userId
    // }
    // dtoData := presentation.NewDlrDto(&dlr)
    // resultData, err := r.CommandHandler.UpdateDlrStatus(ctx, dtoData.ToPb())
    // if err != nil {
    //  return nil, err
    // }
    // dtoData.PbData = resultData
    // return dtoData.ToModel(), nil
    return nil, nil

// DeleteDlr is the resolver for the deleteDlr field.
func (r *mutationResolver) DeleteDlr(ctx context.Context, id string) (*presentation.Dlr, error) {
    // userId := ctx.Value(smodel.QueryKeyUid).(string)
    // userType := ctx.Value(smodel.QueryKeyUType).(pb_user.UserType)
    // if userType != pb_user.UserType_UserTypeADMIN {
    //  id = userId
    // }
    // inData := new(presentation.DlrInput)
    // inData.ID = &id
    // dtoData := presentation.NewDlrDto(inData)
    // resultData, err := r.CommandHandler.DeleteDlr(ctx, dtoData.ToPb())
    // if err != nil {
    //  return nil, err
    // }
    // dtoData.PbData = resultData
    // return dtoData.ToModel(), nil
    return nil, nil

// Dlr is the resolver for the dlr field.
func (r *queryResolver) Dlr(ctx context.Context, id string) (*presentation.Dlr, error) {
    // userId := ctx.Value(smodel.QueryKeyUid).(string)
    // userType := ctx.Value(smodel.QueryKeyUType).(pb_user.UserType)
    // if userType != pb_user.UserType_UserTypeADMIN {
    //  id = userId
    // }
    // var filter presentation.DlrFilterInput
    // filter.ID = &id
    // dtoFilter := presentation.NewDlrFilterDto(&filter)
    // dtoData := presentation.NewDlrDto(new(presentation.DlrInput))
    // resultDatas, err := r.QueryHandler.GetDlrsByFilter(ctx, dtoFilter.ToPb())
    // if err != nil {
    //  return nil, err
    // }
    // if len(resultDatas.Dlrs) > 0 {
    //  dtoData.PbData = resultDatas.Dlrs[0]
    //  return dtoData.ToModel(), nil
    // } else {
    //  return nil, mo.ErrorDlrNotFound
    // }
    return nil, nil

// Dlrs is the resolver for the dlrs field.
func (r *queryResolver) Dlrs(ctx context.Context, filter *presentation.DlrFilterInput) (*presentation.Dlrs, error) {
    // userId := ctx.Value(smodel.QueryKeyUid).(string)
    // userType := ctx.Value(smodel.QueryKeyUType).(pb_user.UserType)
    // if userType != pb_user.UserType_UserTypeADMIN {
    //  filter.ID = &userId
    // }
    // var results presentation.Dlrs
    // if filter == nil {
    //  filter = &presentation.DlrFilterInput{}
    // }
    // dtoFilter := presentation.NewDlrFilterDto(filter)

    // resultDatas, err := r.QueryHandler.GetDlrsByFilter(ctx, dtoFilter.ToPb())
    // if err != nil {
    //  return nil, err
    // }

    // for _, resultData := range resultDatas.Dlrs {
    //  dtoData := presentation.NewDlrDto(new(presentation.DlrInput))
    //  dtoData.PbData = resultData
    //  results.Dlrs = append(results.Dlrs, dtoData.ToModel())
    // }
    // results.Total = int32(resultDatas.TotalRows)

    // return &results, nil
    return nil, nil

And push them to the feature/hsm/58/auth-service branch.