octopress / paginate

A simple paginator for Jekyll sites.
MIT License
105 stars 37 forks source link

no pagination generated in github #36

Closed sarbbottam closed 7 years ago

sarbbottam commented 7 years ago

I am not sure what is going on, please refer https://github.com/sarbbottam/sarbbottam.github.io/commit/64d44fac03457d501598b597f1f6ec21b0c78b04

Everything worked fine at localhost:4000.

However, it resulted in a page w/o any pagination at github.

screen shot 2016-10-23 at 12 46 44 pm

I have revert back to the previous commit to make https://sarbbottam.github.io/ work as desired.

Any pointer would be helpful.


egeis commented 7 years ago

Normally when pagination doesn't generate when I was starting out learning jekyll is because of some error, either a misplaced tab in the YML or liquid related error. Did you build locally using an error reporting flags?

sarbbottam commented 7 years ago

error reporting flags?

-- trace?

egeis commented 7 years ago

i think so, the info can be found on the jekyll homepage. Also I took a look at my one working jekyll project and saw I added:

# Collection Settings collections: posts: permalink: /blog/:categories/:title.html output: true

to my _config.yml.

I have a working octopress setup at jekyll-modern-business. I want to point out im using forked version of this plugin to suppress some deprecated notifications.

sarbbottam commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the info, but I am not sure if I am following you.

Everything works fine in local setup, it breaks only at github,paginator seems to be empty at github.

collections: posts: permalink: /blog/:categories/:title.html output: true

Also why do I need an explicit collections setting for posts?

sarbbottam commented 7 years ago

Closing the issue as it is not because of octopress-paginate. GitHub pages does not support octopress-paginate https://github.com/github/pages-gem/issues/257.

egeis commented 7 years ago

No it doea not. Why you add travis ci to issue jekyll build when you commit.

sarbbottam commented 7 years ago

@egeis I don't know why I didn't set up a Travis build. Thanks for the reminder. I have updated the workflow. Planning to write a post on my experience with Jekyll and GitHub Pages. It might be helpful for folks like me who are starting with Jekyll and GitHub Pages.

egeis commented 7 years ago

@sarbbottam glad I can help. Travisopens a lot of doors to plugins gh-pages would does not support.