octotrike / octotrike.github.io

Main web site for the Trike threat modeling methodology and tools
MIT License
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Update the Trike site to match current reality #3

Open sparagi opened 4 years ago

sparagi commented 4 years ago

Next time I'll probably do this as multiple commits, but here we are.

sparagi commented 4 years ago

Ben> Note that there's additional copyright info in _layouts/base.html that shows up on the bottom of the page, that you may want to update as well.

Thanks for the tip! I keep going to edit it & then remembering that I don't know what to change it to until the trike-devel thread resolves. I just contacted the usual suspects out of band to make sure they know it's there.

Ben> Also, I very much appreciate the recognition, but feel a bit surprised to be mentioned in the copyright file for the small amount of work I contributed. I'm not objecting - happy with whatever you think is appropriate - but I wasn't expecting it.

I am a big believer in acknowledging all contributions. It's the right thing to do, plus it saves on future licensing hassle. Anyway, a raft of more site changes are coming, and I'm sure that shortly, you'll also feel you earned it.

sparagi commented 4 years ago

There is a link to sourceforge : https://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name=trike-announce Could this be altered to point to the github wiki? https://github.com/octotrike/octotrike.github.io/wiki

That first link is to our low volume trike-announce mailing list on SourceForge, which is for folks who use Trike & want to hear about releases & other big news.

I know the wiki link you mean, though. I took that out entirely in this pull request, because right now it isn't posted anywhere. I must have missed a SourceForge tech migration during my long hiatus, because that wiki was empty & the only copy I know of is some very jumbled files in a folder on my personal machine. In my opinion, we should put the methodology content directly on this web site, and tool docs in their respective tool repos. We can include a link to them as soon as we have some content up in a structure we like. Using the wiki on a web site repo seems strange & slightly confusing, and I meant to disable the octotrike.github.io wiki before now, so I disabled it. Does this plan sound reasonable?

jgadsden commented 4 years ago

Yes, true, having a wiki on the web site repo does seem strange - good move to disable it. Also sounds a very reasonable plan to have tool docs in the repos.