oculus-samples / Unity-SharedSpatialAnchors

Unity-SharedSpatialAnchors was built to demonstrate how to use the Shared Spatial Anchors API, available in the Meta XR Core SDK for the Unity game engine.
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movment of networked cube #25

Open yaarga opened 2 months ago

yaarga commented 2 months ago

hello, whenever me and my friend are in the same room, when my friend is moving the cube right, i see the cube moving left, and vice verca. Does somebody know what could affect this? or how to fix it?

Thank you!

shacharma commented 2 months ago

I'm also having significant issues with creating a synchronized space over the past week or so... Is this a new problem? has something changed?

ofirkato commented 2 months ago

This happened to me too! In the past week, there has been a lack of synchronization between the headsets, each headset sees the object in a different location in space... Does anyone know what changed? I checked if there is a version update, but the headsets are on the same version...