oculus-samples / Unity-TheWorldBeyond

Presence Platform showcase demonstrating usage of Scene, Passthrough, Interaction, Voice, and Spatializer. The Oculus SDK and other supporting material is subject to the Oculus proprietary license. Multiple licenses may apply.
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Compilation errors in Unity 2023 alpha #15

Open vincismurf opened 9 months ago

vincismurf commented 9 months ago

Type '[Oculus.VR]OVRExternalComposition' has an extra field 'renderCombinedFrame' of type 'System.Boolean' in the player and thus can't be serialized UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

Type '[Oculus.VR]OVRExternalComposition' has an extra field 'audioListener' of type 'UnityEngine.AudioListener' in the player and thus can't be serialized UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

Type '[Oculus.VR]OVRExternalComposition' has an extra field 'audioFilter' of type 'OVRMRAudioFilter' in the player and thus can't be serialized UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

Type '[Oculus.VR]OVRExternalComposition' has an extra field 'mrcRenderTextureArray' of type 'UnityEngine.RenderTexture[]' in the player and thus can't be serialized UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

Type '[Oculus.VR]OVRExternalComposition' has an extra field 'frameIndex' of type 'System.Int32' in the player and thus can't be serialized UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

Type '[Oculus.VR]OVRExternalComposition' has an extra field 'lastMrcEncodeFrameSyncId' of type 'System.Int32' in the player and thus can't be serialized UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

Type '[Oculus.VR]OVRExternalComposition' has an extra field 'mrcForegroundRenderTextureArray' of type 'UnityEngine.RenderTexture[]' in the player and thus can't be serialized UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

Type '[Oculus.VR]OVRExternalComposition' has an extra field 'cameraPoseTimeArray' of type 'System.Double[]' in the player and thus can't be serialized UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

Fields serialized in Editor, class 'OVRExternalComposition' 'foregroundCameraGameObject' of type 'UnityEngine.GameObject' 'foregroundCamera' of type 'UnityEngine.Camera' 'backgroundCameraGameObject' of type 'UnityEngine.GameObject' 'backgroundCamera' of type 'UnityEngine.Camera'

UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

Fields serialized in target platform, class 'OVRExternalComposition' 'foregroundCameraGameObject' of type 'UnityEngine.GameObject' 'foregroundCamera' of type 'UnityEngine.Camera' 'backgroundCameraGameObject' of type 'UnityEngine.GameObject' 'backgroundCamera' of type 'UnityEngine.Camera' 'renderCombinedFrame' of type 'System.Boolean' 'audioListener' of type 'UnityEngine.AudioListener' 'audioFilter' of type 'OVRMRAudioFilter' 'mrcRenderTextureArray' of type 'UnityEngine.RenderTexture[]' 'frameIndex' of type 'System.Int32' 'lastMrcEncodeFrameSyncId' of type 'System.Int32' 'mrcForegroundRenderTextureArray' of type 'UnityEngine.RenderTexture[]' 'cameraPoseTimeArray' of type 'System.Double[]'

UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

vincismurf commented 9 months ago

Happens when you make a build on Android platform

jordimeije commented 8 months ago

I got this problem too

secretportalxr commented 6 months ago

This happens to me too in 2022.3.16 when building for android. I tried deleting my Library folder (as I found in a solution from a different thread), but it's still happening. Anyone manage to fix this?

secretportalxr commented 6 months ago

Adding OVR_ANDROID_MRC as an extra compiler flag in player settings fixed it for me

travis-tap-3d commented 6 months ago

I can also confirm this happens when building Android after upgrading to 2022.3.16 and just as @secretportalxr graciously pointed out, adding the OVR_ANDROID_MRC seems to fix it. Weird.

technocrack commented 5 months ago

@secretportalxr this solution works thanks

yasmeen2001234 commented 3 months ago

I fixed it by adding [NonSerialized] above each variable

krso92 commented 1 week ago

After updating Unity version to 2021.3.40f1 this error occured for the first time, and adding OVR_ANDROID_MRC fixed it for me also. If someone have more context on why this is happening, it would be great.