oculus-samples / Unity-TheWorldBeyond

Presence Platform showcase demonstrating usage of Scene, Passthrough, Interaction, Voice, and Spatializer. The Oculus SDK and other supporting material is subject to the Oculus proprietary license. Multiple licenses may apply.
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My device is not have roomPermission #19

Open cym63238998 opened 9 months ago

cym63238998 commented 9 months ago

My device "Quest 2" does not have "Spatial data" permission.

According to the Oculus official manual


Oculus -> Tools -> Create store-compatible AndroidManifest.xml

The following permissions are required for SSA and passthrough to work in your app:

< uses-permission android:name=”com.oculus.permission.USE_ANCHOR_API” />

< uses-permission android:name=”com.oculus.permission.IMPORT_EXPORT_IOT_MAP_DATA” android:required=”false” />

< uses-feature android:name=”com.oculus.feature.PASSTHROUGH” android:required=”true” />

The Oculus manifest tool will add these permissions when used with the above OVRManager configuration.

But when I did that, I still didn't have "Spatial data" in my APP, nor did it appear in my Quest Settings.

Oculus official Demo "SharedSpatialAnchors"

Oculus Official Unity Project Demo "SharedSpatialAnchors"

The packaged APK is OK, and the option "Spatial data" will appear in the application permission list. How to solve this problem?