ocurrent / solver-service

An OCluster service for solving opam dependencies
Apache License 2.0
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Initial OCaml 5 / Eio port #71

Closed talex5 closed 12 months ago

talex5 commented 1 year ago

This is a port of the solver service to OCaml 5 and Eio. Since most of the code in the old version was managing the child processes, which no longer exist, a lot of the code has changed. In particular, we had some bugs with the parent-child communication channel recently, and that code is now gone completely :-)

There are a few other advantages to the new version:

First, it loads opam files lazily, so start up is much faster. Running the original stress test (solving 3 packages in parallel) gives:

Before: 40.16s
After: 5.47s

That should help with development, and also if we have multiple clients wanting different opam-repository commits (this can be optimised further; we only cache the most recently used commit for now).

Also, the code is much simpler now. wc -l service/* worker/* went from 2261 lines before to 1152 lines at present (I only checked these because the tests have changed).

But the main reason is because we want an OCaml 5 service in production to shake out remaining bugs in OCaml, Eio, etc.

As well as getting the stress test to do more solves, and check that they succeed, I added test/test.ml with some unit-tests.


talex5 commented 1 year ago

I tested a deployment going via the real scheduler (using the solver-test pool) on arm64-jade-1 (thanks to @mtelvers for help setting it up!). It's a little hard to get accurate benchmarks because the machine is also being used for builds at the same time, but here are my results.

All tests are using the new stress.exe:

dune exec -- stress/stress.exe cluster talex5.cap --count=50 --solver-pool=solver-test

Old solver (/usr/local/bin/solver-worker -c /etc/ocluster/solver.cap --name='arm64-jade-1.equinix.ci.dev' --state-dir=/var/cache/solver --capacity=40 --internal-workers=160 --verbosity=info):

Solved warm-up requests in: 65.90s
Running another 50 solves...
50/50 complete
Solved 50 requests in 17.43s (0.35s/iter)

The new solver can't use 160 cores (OCaml 5 is limited to 128 domains), but in practice anything above 6 seems to give rapidly diminishing returns anyway. However, we can run multiple instances of the new version. With three instances using 6 worker domains each, I get (/usr/local/bin/new/solver-service run-cluster -c /etc/ocluster/solver.cap --name='arm64-jade-{1,1b,1c}.equinix.ci.dev' --cache-dir=/var/cache/solver{,2,3} --capacity=12 --internal-workers=6 --verbosity=info):

Solved warm-up requests in: 24.80s
Running another 50 solves...
50/50 complete
Solved 50 requests in 17.84s (0.36s/iter)

For comparison, here's the new solver with a single 18-core instance (--capacity=36 --internal-workers=18):

Solved warm-up requests in: 37.22s
Running another 50 solves...
50/50 complete
Solved 50 requests in 38.85s (0.78s/iter)

Cold-start time (loading a new opam-repository Git commit) is always better with the new version.

In summary: the old version scales better with more cores, but the new version can get the same performance with fewer cores in total if we run more than one instance. Note: I didn't try optimising the old version (e.g. running with fewer workers); it's possible that's not optimal either.

Given that we only have one solver service in the prod cluster at the moment (but using a large number of cores), it would probably already be a benefit to deploy several instances of the new solver, using just a few cores on each machine.

talex5 commented 1 year ago

Updated benchmarks, with the machine otherwise idle:

The old server in its original configuration (up to 160 worker processes, though probably only 80 being used at once due to capacity 40 and 2 platforms per stress request):

# /usr/local/bin/old/solver-worker -c /etc/ocluster/solver.cap --name='arm64-jade-1.equinix.ci.dev' --state-dir=/var/cache/solver --capacity=40 --internal-workers=160 --verbosity=info
Solved warm-up requests in: 65.90s
Running another 50 solves...
50/50 complete
Solved 50 requests in 17.06s (0.34s/iter)

A single new solver with 6 worker domains:

# /usr/local/bin/new/solver-service run-cluster -c /etc/ocluster/solver.cap --name='arm64-jade-1.equinix.ci.dev' --cache-dir=/var/cache/solver --capacity=12 --internal-workers=6 --verbosity=info
Solved warm-up requests in: 44.86s
Running another 50 solves...
50/50 complete
Solved 50 requests in 45.44s (0.91s/iter)

A single new solver with 5 worker domains is faster:

# /usr/local/bin/new/solver-service run-cluster -c /etc/ocluster/solver.cap --name='arm64-jade-1.equinix.ci.dev' --cache-dir=/var/cache/solver --capacity=10 --internal-workers=5 --verbosity=info
Solved warm-up requests in: 38.07s
Running another 50 solves...
50/50 complete
Solved 50 requests in 35.43s (0.71s/iter)

A single new solver with 4 worker domains is faster still:

# /usr/local/bin/new/solver-service run-cluster -c /etc/ocluster/solver.cap --name='arm64-jade-1.equinix.ci.dev' --cache-dir=/var/cache/solver --capacity=8 --internal-workers=4 --verbosity=info
Solved warm-up requests in: 36.42s
Running another 50 solves...
50/50 complete
Solved 50 requests in 33.51s (0.67s/iter)

3 worker domains is slower, though:

# /usr/local/bin/new/solver-service run-cluster -c /etc/ocluster/solver.cap --name='arm64-jade-1.equinix.ci.dev' --cache-dir=/var/cache/solver --capacity=6 --internal-workers=3 --verbosity=info
Solved warm-up requests in: 43.55s
Running another 50 solves...
50/50 complete
Solved 50 requests in 41.76s (0.84s/iter)

2 instances of the new solver, 4 worker domains each:

Solved warm-up requests in: 23.63s
Running another 50 solves...
50/50 complete
Solved 50 requests in 18.21s (0.36s/iter)

3 instances of the new solver, 4 worker domains each, is faster than the old solver and using fewer cores:

Solved warm-up requests in: 20.90s
Running another 50 solves...
50/50 complete
Solved 50 requests in 14.79s (0.30s/iter)


mtelvers commented 1 year ago

Can the new solver instances be distributed across machines? Alpha said that the original solver could only have a single instance running servicing the solver pool. With that restriction removed and lower cpu requirements, could we deploy a solver work to many machines in the cluster along side the normal worker?

talex5 commented 1 year ago

Can the new solver instances be distributed across machines? Alpha said that the original solver could only have a single instance running servicing the solver pool.

I'm not aware of any such restriction (which would seem to defeat the purpose of using the cluster). Perhaps @moyodiallo remembers what the problem was?

moyodiallo commented 1 year ago

Can the new solver instances be distributed across machines? Alpha said that the original solver could only have a single instance running servicing the solver pool.

@mtelvers are you talking about the pool of process behind the service ? But with the old version it possible to have more than one solver-worker connected to the scheduler.

could we deploy a solver work to many machines in the cluster along side the normal worker?

Yes we can.

moyodiallo commented 1 year ago

@talex5 Thanks for the port, I read the code it's wonderful. Easier to read than the old version.

There's just one last thing, after that we can deploy it on the prod. It is about the switch when a job is canceled.

mtelvers commented 1 year ago

Can the new solver instances be distributed across machines? Alpha said that the original solver could only have a single instance running servicing the solver pool.

@mtelvers are you talking about the pool of process behind the service ? But with the old version it possible to have more than one solver-worker connected to the scheduler.

OK. It is different to what I remember, I originally wanted to use both jade-1 and jade-2 to distribute the solver service, but you advised that it was not possible. However, these are excellent developments!

moyodiallo commented 1 year ago

OK. It is different to what I remember, I originally wanted to use both jade-1 and jade-2 to distribute the solver service, but you advised that it was not possible. However, these are excellent developments!

Yeah my bad, this is because we was hitting on some bugs, more easier to track with one machine.

talex5 commented 1 year ago

There's just one last thing, after that we can deploy it on the prod. It is about the switch when a job is canceled.

Since solve jobs only take about a second to run, I just ignored cancellation. The only thing that takes much time is doing a git-fetch, and it's probably safest not to cancel that anyway.

moyodiallo commented 1 year ago

There's just one last thing, after that we can deploy it on the prod. It is about the switch when a job is canceled.

Since solve jobs only take about a second to run, I just ignored cancellation. The only thing that takes much time is doing a git-fetch, and it's probably safest not to cancel that anyway.

Yes, in the case of domains there's no way to cancel, we could avoid running a request if its switch is off.

moyodiallo commented 1 year ago

To put it in context: Let say we're at the limit, the solver-worker receive 200 jobs from the scheduler and each jobs has 10 platforms (could be more). Suddenly the CI cancel all those jobs (that could happen when there's two consecutive push on opam-repository), now ending up solving 2000 requests per platform, before starting the new jobs.

talex5 commented 1 year ago

Let say we're at the limit, the solver-worker receive 200 jobs from the scheduler

Ideally, the solver should only be pulling jobs from the scheduler when it's ready to run them. Otherwise, it might be taking jobs that another worker could be starting immediately. So, it should only have a backlog of a few seconds.

In the stress tests above, for example, I used a capacity of 8, so there should be a maximum of 7 unnecessary jobs run if they all get cancelled.

With that said, I think it would be perfectly fine to add support to the solver for this. But there's always a risk of adding bugs this way. It looks like the current code responds to a cancelled job by killing the entire worker process:


However, starting a replacement worker usually takes 30s or more, so this is probably a bad trade-off!

moyodiallo commented 1 year ago

However, starting a replacement worker usually takes 30s or more, so this is probably a bad trade-off!

I get it, it could be a bad trade-off, we're going to do some test about that situation to see how it behave with the new version.

talex5 commented 1 year ago

I've pushed an extra commit adding support for cancellation now.

talex5 commented 1 year ago

@kayceesrk wanted some GC stats, so I've pushed a commit adding a stress local mode, to run the solver in-process. That makes it easier to benchmark things without having to keep restarting the service. Here are the results on my 8-core x86_64 machine:

olly gc-stats './_build/default/stress/stress.exe local --cache-dir=./cache --count=10 --internal-workers=...'
1 worker  : GC overhead (% of wall time):   15.58% (1.27s/iter)
2 workers : GC overhead (% of wall time):   30.87% (0.75s/iter)
3 workers : GC overhead (% of wall time):   43.98% (0.60s/iter)
4 workers : GC overhead (% of wall time):   56.23% (0.50s/iter)
5 workers : GC overhead (% of wall time):   67.93% (0.47s/iter)
6 workers : GC overhead (% of wall time):   77.34% (0.48s/iter)
7 workers : GC overhead (% of wall time):   88.53% (0.45s/iter)
kayceesrk commented 1 year ago

Thanks, @talex5. The GC overheads are excessive and keep doubling with cores, which seems odd since the GC work should be parallelisable. So the % overhead should ideally remain flat with an increasing number of cores.

Might be of interest to @sadiqj.

Sudha247 commented 1 year ago

The GC percent is computed against wall-time, which is wrong when number of workers is more than 1. I should've added this disclaimer to olly, sorry. The GC numbers for one worker doesn't look particularly alarming to me. Anyways, let me run some local tests on this and report back (and fix the bug in olly!).

kayceesrk commented 1 year ago

Discovering bugs is the way we make progress :-) Glad to have found it ourselves. Looking forward to the fix.

FWIW, separately I've been discussing with @sadiqj reg including more docs for the runtime events to explain when the events are emitted and the data fields. He may want your help to do this @Sudha247 as you are a user of runtime events.

talex5 commented 1 year ago

We tested with ocaml-ci today. It was mostly working, but I saw this once in the logs (Jul 24 10:47:05 arm64-jade-1):

Need to update https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository.git to get new commit 0266ae4df7d3eb2e456178a5f3165d99678a246b
From https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository
 * branch                  HEAD       -> FETCH_HEAD
Raised by primitive operation at Unix.map_file in file "unix.ml", line 384, characters 2-45
Called from Git_unix.Major_heap.map in file "src/git-unix/git_unix.ml", line 384, characters 6-75
Called from Carton__Dec.W.heavy_load in file "src/carton/dec.ml", line 592, characters 18-55
Called from Carton__Dec.W.load in file "src/carton/dec.ml", line 621, characters 6-25
Called from Carton__Dec.weight_of_offset in file "src/carton/dec.ml", line 924, characters 8-31
Called from Carton_git.Make.with_resources.(fun) in file "src/carton-git/carton_git.ml", line 150, characters 10-72
Called from Lwt.Sequential_composition.catch in file "src/core/lwt.ml", line 1990, characters 16-20
2023-07-24 10:47.34  solver-worker [WARNING] Build failed: Cancelled: Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EBADF, "map_file", "")

The service was automatically restarted, which fixed it, but I've paused it while I investigate.

kayceesrk commented 1 year ago

The GC percent is computed against wall-time, which is wrong when number of workers is more than 1. I should've added this disclaimer to olly, sorry. The GC numbers for one worker doesn't look particularly alarming to me. Anyways, let me run some local tests on this and report back (and fix the bug in olly!).

There is a PR in progress for the fix: https://github.com/tarides/runtime_events_tools/pull/19

talex5 commented 1 year ago

I've added some more locking to avoid the problem above and started the service again on arm64-jade-1.

kayceesrk commented 1 year ago

It doesn't look like GC is the issue. This is running:

for i in 1 2 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32; do olly gc-stats OCAMLRUNPARAM="v=0x400" "./_build/default/stress/stress.exe local --cache-dir ./cache --count=10 --internal-workers=$i" >> op 2>&1; done

on a machine with 16 cores and 32 hw threads. Something odd is going on with heap words though.

Internal workers Allocated words Minor words Promoted words Major words Minor Collections Major collections Heap words Top heap words GC overhead (%)
1 41269478700 41254670221 854179642 868988121 157219 145 22709031 30940204 8.19
2 41269353013 41254541846 864377483 879188650 96966 120 25339318 31089532 12.51
4 41269471338 41254661969 867621809 882431178 53045 86 45524069 50378130 16.56
8 41269574198 41254762765 870674229 885485662 29568 60 81483517 87401394 18.28
12 41274350994 41259540213 873924394 888735175 21704 50 113651507 118256060 19.18
16 41274668096 41259857131 880376307 895187272 18413 46 141591008 146173236 19
20 41275384744 41260573456 885979002 900790290 16063 42 165394370 169711772 20.9
24 41275582949 41260770292 890406066 905218723 14648 40 209939555 214781312 18.58
28 41275669513 41260857701 886699819 901511631 12509 38 223300581 227967667 16.38
32 41275970071 41261156136 867731304 882545239 9426 37 190727588 196603130 8.54
kayceesrk commented 1 year ago

In order to debug the heap words things, I tried to build this on OCaml 5.0.0, and got the following error:

#=== ERROR while compiling lwt_eio.0.4 ========================================#
# context     2.1.2 | linux/x86_64 | ocaml-base-compiler.5.0.0 | pinned(git+https://github.com/talex5/lwt_eio.git#27688ec6aa551b9e510cd6a13747880d97451dc4#27688ec6)
# path        ~/.opam/5.0.0/.opam-switch/build/lwt_eio.0.4
# command     ~/.opam/opam-init/hooks/sandbox.sh build dune build -p lwt_eio -j 4 @install
# exit-code   1
# env-file    ~/.opam/log/lwt_eio-488846-7e7dfb.env
# output-file ~/.opam/log/lwt_eio-488846-7e7dfb.out
### output ###
# (cd _build/default && /home/kc/.opam/5.0.0/bin/ocamlc.opt -w -40 -g -bin-annot -I lib/.lwt_eio.objs/byte -I /home/kc/.opam/5.0.0/lib/bigstringaf -I /home/kc/.opam/5.0.0/lib/bytes -I /home/kc/.opam/5.0.0/lib/cstruct -I /home/kc/.opam/5.0.0/lib/domain-local-await -I /home/kc/.opam/5.0.0/lib/eio -I /home/kc/.opam/5.0.0/lib/eio/core -I /home/kc/.opam/5.0.0/lib/eio/unix -I /home/kc/.opam/5.0.0/lib[...]
# File "lib/lwt_eio.ml", line 69, characters 6-28:
# 69 |       Lwt_unix.handle_signal Sys.sigchld
#            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# Error: Unbound value Lwt_unix.handle_signal
# (cd _build/default && /home/kc/.opam/5.0.0/bin/ocamlopt.opt -w -40 -g -I lib/.lwt_eio.objs/byte -I lib/.lwt_eio.objs/native -I /home/kc/.opam/5.0.0/lib/bigstringaf -I /home/kc/.opam/5.0.0/lib/bytes -I /home/kc/.opam/5.0.0/lib/cstruct -I /home/kc/.opam/5.0.0/lib/domain-local-await -I /home/kc/.opam/5.0.0/lib/eio -I /home/kc/.opam/5.0.0/lib/eio/core -I /home/kc/.opam/5.0.0/lib/eio/unix -I /home[...]
# File "lib/lwt_eio.ml", line 69, characters 6-28:
# 69 |       Lwt_unix.handle_signal Sys.sigchld
#            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# Error: Unbound value Lwt_unix.handle_signal

It would be useful to check whether the heap words keep going up on 5.0 as well.

talex5 commented 1 year ago

Here's a small test that just allocates some bytes in a loop:

let dom0_worker = false

module Usage = struct
  type t = {
    wall : float;
    user : float;
    system : float;

  let now () =
    let wall = Unix.gettimeofday () in
    let process = Unix.times () in
    { wall; user = process.tms_utime; system = process.tms_stime }

  let ( - ) a b =
      wall = a.wall -. b.wall;
      user = a.user -. b.user;
      system = a.system -. b.system;

  let pp f { wall; user; system } =
    Format.fprintf f "wall:%.2fs user:%.2fs system:%.2fs" wall user system

let run_worker () =
  for _ = 1 to 100_000_000 do
    ignore @@ Bytes.create 500

let test workers =
  let u0 = Usage.now () in
  let domain_workers = if dom0_worker then workers - 1 else workers in
  let domains = List.init domain_workers (fun _ -> Domain.spawn run_worker) in
  if dom0_worker then
    run_worker ();
  List.iter Domain.join domains;
  let u1 = Usage.now () in
  Usage.(u1 - u0)

let () =
  Format.printf "%s / dom0_worker=%b@." Sys.ocaml_version dom0_worker;
  ignore @@ test 1;
  let t1 = test 1 in
  Format.printf "1 : %a@." Usage.pp t1;
  [2; 4; 8; 16; 32; 64; (if dom0_worker then 128 else 127)] |> List.iter (fun i ->
    let ti = test i in
    let speedup = t1.wall /. ti.wall in
    Format.printf "%d : %a (%.2f times faster)@." i Usage.pp ti speedup

5.1.0-beta1 seems better than 5.0, but with 128 cores it still takes 30 times longer!

Results from the 160-core arm machine (wall time, lower is better): alloc-loop

Oddly, a previous run had 5.0.0/false being really fast (4.08s for 127 cores), but I can't reproduce that now! Might be something odd going on with CPU frequency scaling when it gets hot or something?

kayceesrk commented 1 year ago

The numbers are curious. So I did a number of things to remove potential noise. First, I run each configuration as a separate run of the program with the aim of avoiding GC impact from the previous runs. Next, I run each program multiple times using hyperfine, which removes the possibility of a noisy run affecting the result.

The code is here: https://github.com/kayceesrk/code-snippets/tree/master/500_501_regression

The core of the benchmark remains the same as the earlier one. https://github.com/kayceesrk/code-snippets/blob/d3d1838c4199f0aed85add42d686d7a83e2b69c6/500_501_regression/test2.ml#L6-L22

I ran the benchmark on an x86 machine with 16 physical cores, and 2 hardware threads per core. The machine has 2 NUMA domains:

$ lscpu | grep -E "^Thread|^Core|^Socket|^NUMA node\("
Thread(s) per core:              2
Core(s) per socket:              8
Socket(s):                       2
NUMA node(s):                    2

Here are the results:


x-axis is wall time in milliseconds. Lower is better. Ideally, the lines will be flat.

The results don't show the regression between 5.0 and 5.1 that you observe on the ARM machine. There is a drop in performance at 8 cores due to NUMA effects. Beyond 16, hyperthreading effects causes further slowdown.

talex5 commented 1 year ago

The results don't show the regression between 5.0 and 5.1 that you observe on the ARM machine

It might be just a typo, but all your series are labelled "5.0.0" in that graph - is it showing the 5.1 results?

kayceesrk commented 1 year ago

It was a typo. Fixed here:


talex5 commented 1 year ago

I've updated this for Eio 0.12 (which removed all the pins).

moyodiallo commented 1 year ago

I stopped the old solver-worker and sent a lot of requests, one of the stress test is 250 requests at same time to the 5 new solver-worker deployed at the moment, it's working very well.

Looks good to me, we can merge.

talex5 commented 12 months ago

Updated based on comments. Should be ready to merge now.