I ran the config for my Ivy Bridge notebook through the sanity checker and found some things to improve upon. It's working well already, but I found some things which might need your attention.
SMBIOS: MacBookPro10,1
Drop CpuPM (red): expected value: enabled
Drop Cpu0Ist (red): expected vallue: enabled
→ Dropping these tables is only necessary until a SSDT-PM has been generated in Post Install using ssdtPRgen. So, if SSDT-PM, is present and enabled, you no longer have to drop these tables. In this case I think under theses conditions these setting should be labeled green
change _DSM to XDSM patch is disabled.
→ The message is "Make sure to enable Change _OSI to XOSI when using SSDT-XOSI!" But this rename is unrelated to SSDT-XOSI. You probably have to adjust the match rule here.
change OSIF to XSIF (to avoid match against XOSI patch) patch is disabled. Message: "Make sure to enable Change _OSI to XOSI when using SSDT-XOSI!"
→ This rename actually is related to SSDT-XOSI but te message doen't fit. Maybe go with: "Enable this rule/patch if you are using SSDT-XOSI"
EnableWriteUnprotector must be enabled (yellow)
→ Thee quirk is enabled in the config, so shouldn't this be green then?
AirportBrcmFixup. This kext consists of two Plugins:
AppleCpuPmCfgLock should be enabled if you have CFG-Lock enabled. Expected value: Disabled (yellow)
→ I would change the "expectation" here. The expected value should be "Enabled" unless CFG-Lock can be disabled in BIOS. And if it's enabled it should be (green)
AppleXcpmCfgLock should be enabled if you have CFG-Lock enabled. (yellow)
→ XCPM support for Ivy Bridge has been disabled in macOS for a really long time. It uses the legacy powermanagement plugin instead. Enabling XCPM support for Ivy Bridge CPUs requires additional kernel patches. So if this quirk is disabled, I think this should be green.
SecureBootModel "should be Disabled if you want to use Nvidia Web Drivers"
→ I would add: …or if the chosen SMBIOS doesn't support the feature"
I ran the config for my Ivy Bridge notebook through the sanity checker and found some things to improve upon. It's working well already, but I found some things which might need your attention.
SMBIOS: MacBookPro10,1
→ Dropping these tables is only necessary until a SSDT-PM has been generated in Post Install using ssdtPRgen. So, if SSDT-PM, is present and enabled, you no longer have to drop these tables. In this case I think under theses conditions these setting should be labeled green
Reference: https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Install-Guide/config-laptop.plist/ivy-bridge.html#delete
change _DSM to XDSM patch is disabled. → The message is "Make sure to enable Change _OSI to XOSI when using SSDT-XOSI!" But this rename is unrelated to SSDT-XOSI. You probably have to adjust the match rule here.
change OSIF to XSIF (to avoid match against XOSI patch) patch is disabled. Message: "Make sure to enable Change _OSI to XOSI when using SSDT-XOSI!" → This rename actually is related to SSDT-XOSI but te message doen't fit. Maybe go with: "Enable this rule/patch if you are using SSDT-XOSI"
The suggestion for AirPortBrcm4360_Injector sanity Checker is: "Make sure to enable it if you want it to load!"
→ As far as I Iknow, you should enable either one or the other, not both. Which one to enable depends on the used macOS version/Kernel: https://github.com/5T33Z0/OC-Little-Translated/tree/main/10_Kexts_Loading_Sequence_Examples#example-7-broadcom-wifi-and-bluetooth
→ I would add: …or if the chosen SMBIOS doesn't support the feature"
That's all.