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2020/12/03/xampp-xdebug-setup-php8 #7

Open utterances-bot opened 1 month ago

utterances-bot commented 1 month ago

XAMPP - XDebug Setup for PHP 8 | Daniel Opitz - Blog



dunglehome commented 1 month ago

Hello Daniel Opitz,

I followed your instruction carefully, but it does not stop the break point. Can you point me to troubleshoot this. Thank you kindly.


dunglehome commented 1 month ago

I have found the solution here. Thank you anyways,

So here is the solution:

install php-fpm don't use the php-cli in combination with symfony cli

delete all servers in the PHPStorm settings

set a breakpoint and refresh the page

let it create the server config automatically then just add the "Absolute path to the server" for example /home/username/apps/myapp



dunglehome commented 1 month ago

I should have given source: https://www.reddit.com/r/symfony/comments/17f8nlr/how_to_use_xdebug_with_symfony/

odan commented 1 month ago

@dunglehome You should not set any path mappings (or remove all existing) in PhpStorm.

dunglehome commented 1 month ago

That is correct, let it all default and do not manually configure path mappings and servers as well. Thank you @odan so much for your reply and the articles you wrote for both Xdebug2 years ago and to Xdebug3.
