odavid / my-bloody-jenkins

Self Configured Jenkins Docker image based on Jenkins-LTS
MIT License
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[Feature_request] gcloudcli and docker as part of dockerfile #190

Open r15santro opened 3 years ago

r15santro commented 3 years ago

We wanted to get the vm's list google cloud k8s cluster from my-bloody-jenkins using a groovy script which we wanted to run as active choice parameter. So we wanted to have gcloud cli available on the master node. We tried to run using "docker run -it gcr.io/google.com/cloudsdktool/cloud-sdk:slim gcloud command". But we came to know that even docker client is not installed. Could you please help ?

odavid commented 3 years ago

Hey @r15santro. I want to keep the master clean as possible. I think the best option for you is to extend the image using FROM odavid/my-bloody-jenkins and use the custom one.