odavid / typeorm-transactional-cls-hooked

A Transactional Method Decorator for typeorm that uses cls-hooked to handle and propagate transactions between different repositories and service methods. Inpired by Spring Trasnactional Annotation and Sequelize CLS
MIT License
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Transactions does not work with multi tenant application #93

Open gcherem opened 3 years ago

gcherem commented 3 years ago

First of all, thank you for this library. It's a must-have.

I am using nest.js to create a multi tenant application, so the module creates the connection dynamically and injects into the service, and then I get the repository like this:

export class SurveyService {
  public repository: Repository<SurveyEntity>;

     @Inject(TENANT_CONNECTION) private connection,
     private surveyAttributeService: SurveyAttributeService
  ) { 
        this.repository = await this.connection.getRepository(SurveyEntity);  // <--- here

  create(data): Promise<SurveyEntity> {
     const survey = this.repository.create(data);
     const savedSurvey = await this.repository.save(survey);
     if (data.attributes) {
       await this.surveyAttributeService.createFromArray(savedSurvey, data.attributes)
       // if an error occurs here, there is no rollback
     return savedSurvey;

The main.ts is:

import { NestFactory, Reflector } from '@nestjs/core';
import { AppModule } from './app.module';
import { Logger, ValidationPipe } from '@nestjs/common';
import { initializeTransactionalContext, patchTypeORMRepositoryWithBaseRepository } from 'typeorm-transactional-cls-hooked';
import * as compression from 'compression';
import { GqlRolesGuard } from './common/guards/gql-roles.guard';
import dotenvFlow = require('dotenv-flow');
import { ApolloErrorFilter } from './common/filters/apollo-error.filter';
import 'reflect-metadata';

async function bootstrap() {
  dotenvFlow.config({path: 'env'});
  initializeTransactionalContext(); // Initialize cls-hooked
  patchTypeORMRepositoryWithBaseRepository(); // patch Repository with BaseRepository.
  const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
  app.useGlobalPipes(new ValidationPipe());
  app.useGlobalGuards(new GqlRolesGuard(new Reflector()));
  app.use(compression()); // enable gzip
  app.useGlobalFilters(new ApolloErrorFilter());
  await app.listen(process.env.APP_PORT);
  Logger.log(`Server is running on: ${await app.getUrl()}`);

Although my application works fine, transactions just don't work. Am I missing something?

odavid commented 3 years ago

Thanks! I have not tested this can of setup, however, I believe you need to define the connectionName within the decorator. You can use function that returns the connectionName, but it is a must, if it is not default

See https://github.com/odavid/typeorm-transactional-cls-hooked#using-transactional-decorator

Hope it helps...

gcherem commented 3 years ago

Thanks @odavid for your reply. Unfortunately I have no idea how to get the connection name within the decorator, since I have no access to the request in that context (I think), The connection name is the tenant name that I retrieve from the JWT in the Authorization header. Any idea? Could you please provide an example or direct me to a sample? Thanks in advance.

odavid commented 3 years ago

Hi @gcherem, I think that once this PR will be merged, you will be able to use the runInTransaction function instead of the decorator

naorye commented 3 years ago

I don't think this is related to multi tenant. I am using nestjs and it doesn't work as well.

alanscordoba commented 3 years ago

Gracias @odavid por tu respuesta. Desafortunadamente, no tengo idea de cómo obtener el nombre de la conexión dentro del decorador, ya que no tengo acceso a la solicitud en ese contexto (creo). El nombre de la conexión es el nombre del inquilino que recupero del JWT en el encabezado de Autorización. ¿Alguna idea? ¿Podría darme un ejemplo o dirigirme a una muestra? Gracias por adelantado.

Hello, I am stuck in this same situation. Some help?

mohsinamjad commented 3 years ago

I'm using multi tenant too just as op said, I need some help to resolve dynamic connections?

alanscordoba commented 3 years ago

I can't get everything to run within the same transaction.

I have the following code:

export class TestService {
  repository: any;
  @Inject(TENANT_CONNECTION) private connection)
    this.repository = connection.getRepository(Test)

  async agregar(tableNew: Test): Promise<Number> {
    const tableSave = this.repository.create(tableNew)
    await this.repository.save(tableSave)
      await this.repository.update(
    return tableSave.id 

The following is executed in the database:

query: SELECT `Test`.`id` AS `Test_id`,`Test`.`default` AS `Test_default` FROM `test` `Test` WHERE `Test`.`id` IN (?) -- PARAMETERS: [0]
query: INSERT INTO `test`(`id`,`default`) VALUES (?,?) -- PARAMETERS: [0,1]
query: COMMIT
query: UPDATE `test` SET `default` = ? WHERE (`default` = ? AND `id` != ?) -- PARAMETERS: [0,true,41]
query: COMMIT

As you can see, 2 transactions are executed, I need it to be only one

mohsinamjad commented 3 years ago

it's working for me now here is the code snippet for multi tenant

  return runInTransaction(
      async () => {
       // async operations
      { connectionName: this.connection.name },
pavel-xendit commented 2 years ago

@mohsinamjad This is not working for me. I tried to put logic inside runInTransaction but still, the transaction is happening for each case. I want to have one transaction for all DB transactions.

mohsinamjad commented 2 years ago

weird, why the heck it's working for me then, I've tested on simple use-case though Are you giving connectionName in the second param of runInTransacion?

my package info

"typeorm": "0.2.34", "typeorm-transactional-cls-hooked": "0.1.21",

pavel-xendit commented 2 years ago

@mohsinamjad How can I get connectionName? I passed default as connectionName.

pavel-xendit commented 2 years ago

@odavid @mohsinamjad Any thoughts on how to make runIntransactions work?

mopcweb commented 2 years ago

it is possible to use async-hooks or cls-hooked or some other similar package for creating request scoped context. after that it is quite easy to use it in Transactional callback to get necessary connection

mohsinamjad commented 2 years ago

For multi tenant your connection name will be dynamic like in my case I set tenant ID as connection name, and you can't use same connection name is e.g default. You have to use this.connectio.name for it.

barokurniawan commented 4 months ago

I believe that there is no definitive solution to this problem.

In my case, I used middleware to initialize the database connection and store it in a global variable so the user can re-use it, but that caused the transactional issue since addTransactionalDataSource should be only called when init the app .

So I came out with a solution to sync all tenant data to a JSON file (only the scheme name) and read the file data on app init so I can register all schemes with addTransactionalDataSource.

Some sample

import { TypeOrmModule } from "@nestjs/typeorm";
import { DataSource } from "typeorm";
import { addTransactionalDataSource } from "typeorm-transactional";
import * as con  from "./connections";

export const DatabaseConfig = TypeOrmModule.forRootAsync({
    useFactory() {
        return {
            type: 'postgres',
            host: process.env.DB_HOST,
            port: +process.env.DB_PORT,
            username: process.env.DB_USER,
            password: process.env.DB_PASSWORD,
            database: process.env.DB_NAME,
            entities: ["dist/**/*.entity{.ts,.js}"],
            migrations: ["dist/src/database/migrations/*{.ts,.js}"],
            logging: true,
            synchronize: false,
            migrationsRun: true,
            migrationsTransactionMode: 'all',
            useUTC: true
    async dataSourceFactory(options) {
        if (!options) {
            throw new Error('Invalid options passed');

        let mainDs: DataSource;

        const tenants = ['public'];
        for (const schema of tenants) {
            const source = new DataSource({
                schema: schema,
            } as any);
            const ds = addTransactionalDataSource({name: schema, dataSource: source});
            con.connectionMap.set(schema, ds);

            if(schema == "public") {
                mainDs = ds;

        return mainDs;

Just imagine this part const tenants = ['public']; are a list you get from a JSON file, con.connectionMap is a const connectionMap = new Map<string, DataSource>();.

The downside is that I have to restart the app every time a new tenant arrives, and hope someone jumps in and gives a pro solution.