Polyfills the HTML popover attribute and showPopover/hidePopover/togglePopover methods onto HTMLElement, as well as the popovertarget and popovertargetaction attributes on <button> elements.
handleInvokerActivation is using closest which does not cross ShadowDOM correctly. The fix is to use composedPath
event.composedPath().find(el => el.matches && el.matches('[popovertargetaction],[popovertarget]'));
// in place of:
In my case, we are sometimes using web-components for rendering svg icons inside of <button> elements. The click works if you hit the edges of the button itself (in the light), but clicking on the icons (in the shadow) does not properly trigger the popover.
is usingclosest
which does not cross ShadowDOM correctly. The fix is to usecomposedPath
In my case, we are sometimes using web-components for rendering svg icons inside of
elements. The click works if you hit the edges of the button itself (in the light), but clicking on the icons (in the shadow) does not properly trigger the popover.