oddjobsman / gulp-sloc

A port of the grunt-sloc plugin for gulp
MIT License
14 stars 6 forks source link

use sloc v0.1.x #3

Open flosse opened 10 years ago

flosse commented 10 years ago

There are breaking changes with v0.1.0. Here is a patch that should work with it. Moreover: What do you think about extending the sloc simple formatter to reuse some code?

mikevalstar commented 9 years ago

Can we get this merged in?

mdvorscak commented 8 years ago

Is this repo still maintained? If yes, can we please get this merged in? There is some issues on the old version of sloc (the comments are not being counted correctly) that can be fixed with this PR.

pnarielwala commented 8 years ago

I have forked this repository to update sloc. Here's the link with the updated pull request: gulp-sloc2