oddmario / cloudflare-zerotrust-gateway-ddns-updater

Automatically sync your Cloudflare Zero Trust Gateway location with the IP address of a hostname (No-IP, etc)
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PHP+CURL Alternative #1

Open msvitor opened 1 year ago

msvitor commented 1 year ago

Hello, I've been needing a code like this for a long time, but I don't have any experience in python, I even tried to install it, but I don't know why I couldn't make it run, but I had the idea of ​​doing it with PHP+CURL, since I have some little experience with this language. Everything went well and I was able to do the update automatically, using the CRON of my hosting server! Now I can abandon NEXTDNS once and for all and just use cloudflare zero trust to control DNS for my home and devices! Thank you for your script as it helped guide me where I should go. I have made it available here on github (https://github.com/msvitor/cloudflare-zerotrust-gateway-Dynamic-IP-PHP-CURL-updater) so that it can help others too

oddmario commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot for the cooperation, pretty sure I made this project as an alternative to a NextDNS setup too :)