odebroqueville / contextSearch

Firefox add-on to search selected text in a web page using your favorite search engines from a context menu or from a grid of icons.
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JS error in browser console (each tab) #137

Closed OlliZabal closed 1 year ago

OlliZabal commented 1 year ago

FYI: I'm receiving a JS error latley at the browser console (each tab) using your latest plugin version, latest Firefox on a Win 10 PC.

Error: IndexSizeError: Selection.getRangeAt: 0 is out of range selection.js:342 getSelectedText moz-extension://adf201ea-8e55-4a78-ac25-5893282f5422/scripts/selection.js:342 handleKeyUp moz-extension://adf201ea-8e55-4a78-ac25-5893282f5422/scripts/selection.js:161

Besides, also all search engine icons are no more showing up on the context window.

Edit: export function does also not work anymore... strange.

odebroqueville commented 1 year ago

Oliver, what were you doing when the error occurred? Which web page were you visiting and what were you trying to select? Concerning the export feature, please make sure that you've enabled the Downloads permissions for the extension. For the favicons, that sounds strange! Please visit the extension's options page and try resetting the icons. Also make sure that you haven't disabled the display of icons in the context menu.

OlliZabal commented 1 year ago

It is independent from any loaded website. Sometimes the error occurs and sometimes not and without selecting a text / text phrase to search for. The error just shows up at the console.

Regarding the icons: i got them only shown back again after resetting your extension to the defaults. If I activate the option "Erzwinge das Nachladen der Favicons" and then click the button "zurücksetzen" (reset), the an error occurs in the browser console: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: message is undefined handleResponse moz-extension://e71f0f6b-f8e6-483d-9bff-ff2fcef836ae/scripts/options.js:582 promise callback*reset moz-extension://e71f0f6b-f8e6-483d-9bff-ff2fcef836ae/scripts/options.js:577 And: the option "Anzeige der Favicons in der Kontextmenüliste" is active - I can't toggle it! If I click it, the icons are gone and won't show again. The input field stays always active / marked.

Export now works - sorry my fault! A mentioned byy you it was the downloads permission.

odebroqueville commented 1 year ago

Hey Olli, I'm not certain, but it looks to me that your install of Context Search might be corrupt. I would recommend uninstalling it after you've exported and saved your search engines. Then you can re-install Context Search and import them. Please let me know if you still encounter errors after that. Sorry for the trouble!

OlliZabal commented 1 year ago

Hi Olli ;), I tried several times removing and fresh re-installing your extension. The first mentioned JS erros still occurs unfrequently as before.

odebroqueville commented 1 year ago

Hey Olli, has this been fixed for you or are you still seeing some errors? Can I close this issue?