odebroqueville / contextSearch

Firefox add-on to search selected text in a web page using your favorite search engines from a context menu or from a grid of icons.
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Make the new tab active after it has finished loading completely #171

Closed lamyergeier closed 5 months ago

lamyergeier commented 5 months ago

From Settings:


Is it possible to make the new tab active when it has finished loading completely?

odebroqueville commented 5 months ago

@lamyergeier That's what should happen if you checked the corresponding option as shown above. Is it not working for you?

lamyergeier commented 5 months ago

No, the tab becomes active immediately and it takes a few seconds for the website to load.

odebroqueville commented 5 months ago

Ah well I can't change that behaviour because it is set up that way in Firefox. This is something that you might want to raise with the folks at Mozilla, more specifically at Bugzilla.

lamyergeier commented 5 months ago

May I suggest that you could add an option to specify after how many seconds the user would like to switch the focus to the new tab. May be I can set the value as 5 seconds, so that I am definitely sure that in 5 seconds the page would have got loaded.

odebroqueville commented 5 months ago

@lamyergeier I think I have found a solution which doesn't require setting a delay. Ha, you're giving me lots of extra work!

alan-2001 commented 5 months ago

So here's another example of "you can't please all the people all the time"! For the past week or so I've been a little bit annoyed by what seemed like a performance issue with this extension. And lo and behold, here is the explanation! For what it's worth, I prefer the way it used to jump to the new tab immediately, cos it showed me that it was doing something. But I'll get used to it, no problem.

I'll take this opportunity to profusely thank odebroqueville for this extension. It is a mandatory addition to Firefox IMO and I use it countless times a day. So thanks very much; keep up the good work!

odebroqueville commented 5 months ago

@alan-2001 Thanks for your kind words, Alan. Although the new tab is only made active once the page has completed loading, you will know right away that it's doing something because the tab is created immediately. It just switches to the new tab later. If I find the time, I may add a setting to let users chose their preference for switching to a new tab, but it's not so much a priority right now because I'm focusing on bringing folders to CS. Cheers!

alan-2001 commented 5 months ago

I wasn't going to come right out and ask you to add that option, but if you do, it would be most appreciated!

Thanks very much for the quick reply!