odebroqueville / contextSearch

Firefox add-on to search selected text in a web page using your favorite search engines from a context menu or from a grid of icons.
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Keyboard shortcuts using built in key combinations. #176

Closed Shadewing666 closed 2 months ago

Shadewing666 commented 2 months ago

The keyboard shortcut for google search (ctrl+g) is the same as the shortcut built into Firefox for "next result" when using "find in page" (ctrl+f, same as Facebook). Ctrl+z is undo, and is used by Yandex. Ctrl+s is "save page as" and opens Startpage. Ctrl+a is "Select all", matches with Amazon.

There are probably others but those are the ones that have come up for me or that I found during a quick look through of the options page.

I'm fairly sure all the keyboard shortcuts were blank until recently, so something seems to have filled them all in during a recent update. That's a bit rude. Personally, I have various shortcuts I've added and some of the combinations match the ones that got added to various search engines. I was very confused for a while as things kept getting searched for when they shouldn't be.

This is the sort of thing that needs a notification to the user.

Also, a delete/disable all keyboard shortcuts option would be useful.

odebroqueville commented 2 months ago

Gee! I hadn't given that sufficient thought! My mistake. I'm on mac, so all those shortcuts didn't have any conflicts on my system. I really apologise, but calling me rude is a bit harsh! I always try to make this extension better for its users and I'm glad that you've made me aware of this mishap. It's not so easy to keep track of all the possible keyboard shortcuts used by different operating systems and apps. Ideally, I would have liked to offer easy to remember unused default keyboard shortcuts for Windows, macOS and Linux that would also not conflict with Firefox default keyboard shortcuts, but they're not easy to find! If you have any ideas about that, I'm all ears. In the mean time, I'll quickly release an update where all the default shortcuts are blank. Thank you again for bringing this up.