odebroqueville / contextSearch

Firefox add-on to search selected text in a web page using your favorite search engines from a context menu or from a grid of icons.
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Allow for custom search engines for image searches #178

Open dude892 opened 1 month ago

dude892 commented 1 month ago

Already have the context menu for right clicking an image and having the Google Lens and Google image search, would like to be able to add image only customizable searches.

odebroqueville commented 1 month ago

What do you mean by "image only customizable searches"? Do you mean that you would like to have the option to enable/disable the image search offered by Context Search?

dude892 commented 1 month ago

No, I mean how we can currently add or remove search engines from the context menu, just being able to do the same with the context menu when right clicking an image, like being able to remove Google Lens and add something like TinEye.

odebroqueville commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry for the late response. I now better understand your request. It's a good idea and I should have thought of it sooner. Whilst I can't promise when it'll be implemented, I do promise that I'll look into it. Thank you. Btw, out of curiosity, which url would you use for TinEye? To my knowledge, it isn't free if you want to use it away from their website, which is also why they offer their own browser extensions and an API.