odeke-em / drive

Google Drive client for the commandline
Apache License 2.0
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OCR not functioning for drive on command line, but working in webapp #1046

Open dahadaller opened 5 years ago

dahadaller commented 5 years ago

I recently tried to use OCR on a folder full .jpg files and the output was unexpected:

[notes]:drive push -ocr
Everything is up-to-date.

Although the prompt says Everything is up-to-date, no ocr conversion has taken place. Of course, when I execute drive features I get

[notes]:drive features
Feature                        Request limit (queries/second)
ocr                            0.000000                      
translation                    2.000000   

which suggests that I don't have the ability to use ocr with my account. The weird thing is, last week I used drive push -ocr without a problem and there hasn't been any change to my google drive subscription since then. Also, if I right click on an image in the google drive web app to open in google docs, ocr works fine then.

How can I fix this problem to get the ocr functionality back?

dahadaller commented 5 years ago

It so happens that I also have access to a G-suite account separate from the account I had been trying to push to in my previous comment. I tried pushing 43 .jpg files to the G-suite account with drive push -ocr and it successfully converted the images to google drive docs.

However, even though I could successfully push with ocr,

[notes]:drive features
Feature                        Request limit (queries/second)
ocr                            0.000000                      
translation                    2.000000 

the request limit for the ocr feature on this G suite account was also 0. I thought 0 requests per second to mean that ocr was not available. So, I guess I have two questions now: Why did ocr work on one account but not the other, and why do both accounts feature a request limit of 0?

agguser commented 5 years ago

Any update?

agguser commented 5 years ago

Seems that file extension must not be specified for drive pull export to work