odelot / aws-mqtt-websockets

Implementation of a middleware to use AWS MQTT service through websockets, aiming the ESP8266 plataform
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
231 stars 67 forks source link

Callback function doesn't execute while sub on get/accepted shadow #56

Open Abdallah24 opened 5 years ago

Abdallah24 commented 5 years ago

i am working on esp8266 connected to aws iot ,My project is to control lamp through esp8266 so after reading what should i do for getting the response from get/accepted shadow i have to send empty parenthesis on get shadow then receive from get/accepted shadow

the problem here that i don't receive any responses from get/accepted shadow
and callback function didnt called untill now also i tried to increase the size of mqtt packet but nothing happened

Here what i should receive on get/accepted shadow

{ "state": { "desired": { "Switch": 1, "power": "0" }, "delta": { "Switch": 1, "power": "0" } }, "metadata": { "desired": { "Switch": { "timestamp": 1563210303 }, "power": { "timestamp": 1563210303 } } }, "version": 6, "timestamp": 1563322772 }

Here is the code






include "sha256.h"

include "Utils.h"






//AWS MQTT Websocket

include "Client.h"

include "AWSWebSocketClient.h"

include "CircularByteBuffer.h"

extern "C" {

include "user_interface.h"


//AWS IOT config, change these:

char wifi_ssid[] = "Hopa"; char wifi_password[] = "HopaInternet00"; char aws_endpoint[] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; char aws_key[] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; char aws_secret[] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; char aws_region[] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; const char aws_topic_sub = "$aws/things/esp/shadow/get/accepted"; const char aws_topic_pub = "$aws/things/esp/shadow/get"; int port = 443;

//MQTT config const int maxMQTTpackageSize = 1048; const int maxMQTTMessageHandlers = 1;

ESP8266WiFiMulti WiFiMulti;

AWSWebSocketClient awsWSclient(1000);

PubSubClient client(awsWSclient);

//# of connections long connection = 0;

//generate random mqtt clientID char generateClientID () { char cID = new char[23](); for (int i=0; i<22; i+=1) cID[i]=(char)random(1, 256); return cID; }

//count messages arrived int arrivedcount = 0;

//callback to handle mqtt messages void callback(char topic, byte payload, unsigned int length) { Serial.print("Message arrived ["); Serial.print(topic); Serial.print("] "); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Serial.print((char)payload[i]); } Serial.println(); }

//connects to websocket layer and mqtt layer bool connect () {

if (client.connected()) {    
    client.disconnect ();
//delay is not necessary... it just help us to get a "trustful" heap space value
delay (1000);
Serial.print (millis ());
Serial.print (" - conn: ");
Serial.print (++connection);
Serial.print (" - (");
Serial.print (ESP.getFreeHeap ());
Serial.println (")");

//creating random client id
char* clientID = generateClientID ();

client.setServer(aws_endpoint, port);
if (client.connect(clientID)) {
  return true;
} else {
  Serial.print("failed, rc=");
  return false;


//subscribe to a mqtt topic void subscribe () { client.setCallback(callback); client.subscribe(aws_topic_sub); //subscript to a topic Serial.println("MQTT subscribed"); }

//send a message to a mqtt topic void sendmessage () { //send a message
char buf[100]; strcpy(buf, "{ }");
int rc = client.publish(aws_topic_pub, buf); }

void setup() { wifi_set_sleep_type(NONE_SLEEP_T); Serial.begin (115200); delay (2000); Serial.setDebugOutput(1);

//fill with ssid and wifi password
WiFiMulti.addAP(wifi_ssid, wifi_password);
Serial.println ("connecting to wifi");
while(WiFiMulti.run() != WL_CONNECTED) {
    Serial.print (".");
Serial.println ("\nconnected");

//fill AWS parameters    

if (connect ()){

  subscribe ();
sendmessage ();



void loop() {

//keep the mqtt up and running if (awsWSclient.connected ()) {
client.loop (); delay(100); subscribe (); sendmessage ();

} else { //handle reconnection if (connect ()){ subscribe ();




stark526 commented 4 years ago

I also had this issue... I solved it by increasing the MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE variable in the PubSubClient.h to 2048 (my shadow string size was too big).