odenizgiz / Podcasts-Data

Dataset of approximately 10,000 podcasts from iTunes.
90 stars 25 forks source link

can we collectively update this? anybody? I'm in. #2

Open zameelpichen opened 2 years ago

zameelpichen commented 2 years ago

Thank you for making this repo! Really useful.

I wanted to enquire if the author of this repo is still interested to maintain this? as last update was 5 years ago. If yes, let us know here and we can move this project forward.

If not, have you found any better solutions to getting all podcast data? I have found a few in kaggle.com and data.world. Please share if you have found any, maybe we can deprecate this repo and add a link to the currently maintained repo for future wanderers?

Looking forward to your reply, Cheers, Zameel

AleRosae commented 2 years ago

Hi @zameelpichen, I do not know if the author is still interested in this project, but since I needed podcast data for a curricular project I tried to update the code for scraping popular podcasts in the Apple webpage (which of course has changed over the years). My solution was this. I was able to retrieve 23K shows in total; however, I did not include all the possible metadata because I actually only needed titles, images and descriptions.

Hope this might help. Cheers, AR