odensc / ttv-ublock

Blocking ads on that certain streaming website
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how install in edge? #6

Closed Warfenix closed 3 years ago

Warfenix commented 3 years ago


I have seen that these instructions are for chrome and firefox, but I cannot find it for other browsers such as edge. It works the same for chrome and edge since they are both based on chromium (?)

maphex commented 3 years ago

The new edge is based on Chromium just like Google Chrome install process should be the same as Chrome install.

odensc commented 3 years ago

I'm not quite sure how to load an unpacked extension on Edge, but it's currently pending review on the Edge addon store.

ASoggySandal commented 3 years ago

If you want it ASAP it looks fairly straightforward to load in the unpacked chrome version: https://i.imgur.com/HInKfF1.png Guide image

odensc commented 3 years ago

Thanks @ASoggySandal for the great screenshot. I'll close this and will be updating when the extension is approved on Edge.