odensc / ttv-ublock

Blocking ads on that certain streaming website
MIT License
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Not blocking ads with the extension #8

Closed jansenmtan closed 3 years ago

jansenmtan commented 3 years ago

Just got a preroll ad after not getting one since getting the Firefox extension.

Edit from maintainer:


ArthurHoaro commented 3 years ago

Same issue here after a while without any ad. I feel like that streaming website is trying to bypass adblockers.

Setekh79 commented 3 years ago

Hi, chiming in with confirmation, just tried to load a stream (01:30 GMT 17/11/2020) and got a very pervasive Shadowlands preroll, looks as though Amazon may not yet be done with their efforts to defeat this.

Thanks for the work so far and for your continuted efforts.

1darklyte commented 3 years ago

also got a preroll just now Browser : Firefox Region : NA

odensc commented 3 years ago

Hi folks, the latest update should fix this.


New version has already been approved in the addon store (thanks Mozilla for the fast reviews!). Go to your Addons page and check for updates in the top right.



The version in the extension store is under manual review (thanks Google :/), which may take a few days.

So for the moment, you can uninstall that version and install the newest extension manually:

  1. Download the ZIP file of the extension code: https://github.com/odensc/ttv-ublock/archive/extension.zip
  2. Unzip it into a new folder.
  3. Open the Extensions page. Image example
  4. In the top right, enable "Developer mode". Image example
  5. In the top left, click "Load unpacked". Image example
  6. A file dialog will open. Navigate to the folder with the code in it and select it. Image example

I've also added a new options page, so in the future when Twitch patches it again, you can simply change the user-agent to the latest one in this GitHub repo, instead of waiting for the extension stores to update.

Setekh79 commented 3 years ago

Less than half an hour and it's fixed. Thanks for making Twitch better.

notEthan commented 3 years ago

an alternative to messing with zip files is to simply git clone the repo and tell chrome to load unpacked from that directory. updating is then just a git pull.

thanks for your work on this extension.

MyGg29 commented 3 years ago

Hello to the twitch dev who's going to fix this in a couple of weeks 👋 I'm pretty sure they are watching

maddawg836 commented 3 years ago

Uh yeah, I'm gonna need a donation link. I'd rather pay you than twitch. Checked your site, not there :(

d3athrow commented 3 years ago

Still isn't working for me.

Mindfoolness commented 3 years ago

chrome webstore still on old v1.0.0

v1.1.0 working https://github.com/odensc/ttv-ublock/archive/extension.zip

nicolas-martin commented 3 years ago

I have a feeling simply changing the user agent won't last long, the twitch devs are monitoring these workaround really closely. The only real way to circumvent the ads is by removing the tags in the .m3u8 like streamlink is doing. If there's a way to intercept and modify responses (ie. done in extension like tamper) that would be ideal.

Mindfoolness commented 3 years ago

youtube-dl -o - "https://www.twitch.tv/streamername" | mpv -

Dexy2811 commented 3 years ago

works for now! thanks for the guide.

douira commented 3 years ago

I have an idea @odensc: Could the current "working" user agent be stored on GitHub (or somewhere else) and then fetched automatically regularly? That way the extension wouldn't have to be updated as often. (and if I read the code correctly, that isn't happening yet?)

fuggla commented 3 years ago

youtube-dl -o - "https://www.twitch.tv/streamername" | mpv -

mpv https://twitch.tv/streamername
zusorio commented 3 years ago

The version in the extension store is under manual review (thanks Google :/), which may take a few days.

@odensc In the past Google manually reviewed (and then denied) my extension because it didn't have an icon (the extension, not the store page). If you get rejected you should try and see if adding an icon prevents manual review.

Alpdrucken commented 3 years ago

Do you think it would work on the alternate player if the url whitelist included chrome-extension://bhplkbgoehhhddaoolmakpocnenplmhf/player.html?channel=* ? ty for you work

edit: apparently chrome says "unknown or URL pattern is malformed"

sean8102 commented 3 years ago

First off thank you so much for making this extension and updating it. Second, the Google store has updated it to the latest version.

MrGoatsy commented 3 years ago

It got patched again on Firefox.

calvinthefreak commented 3 years ago

Well, I am seeing ads again...

sean8102 commented 3 years ago

It got patched again on Firefox.

Yeah I didn't notice until after I posted my comment. I'm using edge chromium so I just installed the unpacked version again.

I actually have the google web store version installed then installed the un packed version. Is there any harm in having both installed? My plan is to uninstall the unpacked version once the google web store version is updated so I can keep the one that will auto update.

sean8102 commented 3 years ago

Well, I am seeing ads again...

Weird. Still not seeing ads. Do you have the latest version (1.1.1)

Snabee commented 3 years ago

Ads again for me

odensc commented 3 years ago

We are aware the extension is broken again. Tracking in #11