odifentse / Computational-FBDD-for-Hypertension

This is a repository for the research titled "Machine Learning-aided Computational Fragment-based Design of Small Molecules for Hypertension Treatment" by Odifentse Mapula-e Lehasa and Uche Kennedy Chude-Okonkwo (2023).
Apache License 2.0
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Implementing FBDD-for-hypertension Notebooks #1

Open dgcovell opened 3 weeks ago

dgcovell commented 3 weeks ago

I thanks the authors for making their Jupyter notebooks available through open source. Following the specified steps, beginning with Phase 0; importing relevant libraries, I am getting the same error as your example

ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[1], line 3 1 # import all relevant libraries ----> 3 from rdkit.Chem import AllChem 4 from rdkit import Chem 5 from rdkit.Chem import BRICS

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'rdkit'

If possible could you provide the steps for installing rdkit?

In addition, I do not know the proper syntax for setting $PATH to include the input and output directories. I have placed the github directories in my local folder.

Thanks in advance, David Covell, Ph.D.

odifentse commented 2 weeks ago

Dear Dr Covell,

Thank you so much for contacting me regarding the notebooks.

I was hoping that the requirements file would contain all the packages to run the code so that you do not have to encounter installation errors. I must have overlooked this one.

Query 1: Installing rdkit

In order to fix this error, may you please install rdkit. You can do so by executing any one of the following codes (I used the first one):

Additional information regarding this installation can be found at the Anaconda rdkit link here: https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/rdkit

Query 2: File path

The file path should be the exact folder/location where you saved your input files.

For instance, my path is '/Users/odilehasa/Hypertension/Final_Experiments/Data/Chembl_C09.sdf', which indicates that I saved the file (Chembl_C09.sdf) in my local drive (indicated by /Users/odilehasa), under the folder "Data", which is in the folder "Final_Experiments", which is inside the "Hypertension" folder.

Your computer's operating system also influences the syntax, specifically the backslash, C and colon. For example:

  1. Mac computer path is: '/Users/odilehasa/Hypertension/Final_Experiments/Data/Chembl_C09.sdf'
  2. Windows computer path would be: 'C:\Users\odilehasa\Hypertension\Final_Experiments\Data\Chembl_C09.sdf'

Have a look at this link which better explains how to get your path: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/find-path-to-the-given-file-using-python/

I hope this helps.