odiseoteam / SyliusBlogPlugin

This plugin add blog capabilities to your Sylius project.
MIT License
34 stars 18 forks source link

ERR 500 : Article without pictures #8

Closed Loocos closed 4 years ago

Loocos commented 4 years ago


I'm running on Sylius 1.7 with the last version of your plug-in. After installed successfully your bundle. I have created a blog categorie which work. After that, I've created an articles without any pictures. Then I got an 500 error when going on the articles index (admin/blog/articles/).

Logs : Return value of Odiseo\\BlogBundle\\Model\\Article::getImages() must implement interface Doctrine\\Common\\Collections\\Collection, null returned at C:\\Users\\xxx\\Desktop\\xxx\\xxxx\\website\\vendor\\odiseoteam\\blog-bundle\\src\\Model\\Article.php:159)"} []

Loocos commented 4 years ago

Solved with : https://github.com/odiseoteam/OdiseoBlogBundle/issues/3#issuecomment-611908478