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ODK-X Survey - Menu navigation UI improvement #360

Open maprehensive opened 1 year ago

maprehensive commented 1 year ago

The ODK-X Survey mobile app has a mix of icons and text items under the ellipsis menu


Why this needs to be improved:


Guidance for this issue:

Design Guidelines:

Colours, icons and other user interface elements used should conform to the ODK-X Design Guidelines


This issue can be used for an Outreachy application for the project Custom UI components for ODK-X mobile apps This issue is for the User Interface Design stream of the project.

Multiple people can work on this issue simultaneously.

You do not need to be assigned to this issue to work on it for an Outreachy application

phelisa1 commented 1 year ago

Hi there @maprehensive may I please work on this issue?

Cveman1 commented 1 year ago

I'd love to jump on this @maprehensive

Also, where can we see the full application?

EQua-Dev commented 1 year ago

Hello, please I would like to work on this issue @maprehensive

Augusta2 commented 1 year ago

Hello @maprehensive I will be delighted to work on this project.

Praise-Ugwum commented 1 year ago

Hi @maprehensive, I'd love to work on this issue.

Karimatu05 commented 1 year ago

Hi, i would love to contribute on this project @maprehensive

Pamela-owino commented 1 year ago

Hello, @maprehensive , I would love to contribute to this issue.

maprehensive commented 1 year ago

@phelisa1, @Cveman1, @Praise-Ugwum, @Pamela-owino, @Karimatu05, @EQua-Dev and @Augusta2 you're assigned. Thank you!

Thimmo commented 1 year ago

Hello, @maprehensive I would also love to contribute to this project and fix the issue.

Cveman1 commented 1 year ago

Awesome. Thanks @maprehensive

JessicaItepu commented 1 year ago

Hello, can i be assigned to this project?. Thanks in advance.

Pamela-owino commented 1 year ago

@phelisa1, @Cveman1, @Praise-Ugwum, @Pamela-owino, @Karimatu05, @EQua-Dev and @Augusta2 you're assigned. Thank you!

Thank you

Praise-Ugwum commented 1 year ago

@phelisa1, @Cveman1, @Praise-Ugwum, @Pamela-owino, @Karimatu05, @EQua-Dev and @Augusta2 you're assigned. Thank you!

Hi everyone, I suggest we collaborate since this issue was assigned to seven of us. How can we discuss this more?

Dimmah15 commented 1 year ago

Hi @maprehensive

Can i be assigned to this, i would love to contribute

ghost commented 1 year ago

Hi @maprehensive @wbrunette I would love to work on this issue

maprehensive commented 1 year ago

Hello, can i be assigned to this project?. Thanks in advance.

@JessicaItepu I can only assign 10 people, but please still work on this issue and submit your designs here. It will be counted for your application. Thanks

JessicaItepu commented 1 year ago

@phelisa1, @Cveman1, @Praise-Ugwum, @Pamela-owino, @Karimatu05, @EQua-Dev and @Augusta2 you're assigned. Thank you!

Hi everyone, I suggest we collaborate since this issue was assigned to seven of us. How can we discuss this more?

How do you intend to work with us. I would love to collaborate on this

JessicaItepu commented 1 year ago

Hello, can i be assigned to this project?. Thanks in advance.

@JessicaItepu I can only assign 10 people, but please still work on this issue and submit your designs here. It will be counted for your application. Thanks

Thank you, how do we access the previous designs so we can make our additions to it.

Thimmo commented 1 year ago

Hello @maprehensive, These are what I have come up with

Menu Nav

I ensured I followed the updated style guide during the design process.

Let me know what you think about the design. Also, I'm still finding it difficult to locate the file for the logo of all ODK-X Services. Thank you

JessicaItepu commented 1 year ago

Hello @maprehensive, These are what I have come up with

  • I added a caption to the synchronization icon for more clarity.
  • I moved the settings icon to the "meatball menu" as an additional menu allowing the Sync icon to stand out and reducing cognitive load for the user.
  • I added a feedback alert/notification to signify success or error during synchronization.

Menu Nav

I ensured I followed the updated style guide during the design process.

Let me know what you think about the design. Also, I'm still finding it difficult to locate the file for the logo of all ODK-X Services. Thank you

Hello, did you get the survey app to know what it looks like ib full? Thanks in advance for your response

JessicaItepu commented 1 year ago

Hello @maprehensive, These are what I have come up with

  • I added a caption to the synchronization icon for more clarity.
  • I moved the settings icon to the "meatball menu" as an additional menu allowing the Sync icon to stand out and reducing cognitive load for the user.
  • I added a feedback alert/notification to signify success or error during synchronization.

Menu Nav

I ensured I followed the updated style guide during the design process.

Let me know what you think about the design. Also, I'm still finding it difficult to locate the file for the logo of all ODK-X Services. Thank you

Also if you mean the general odk-x logo. I found it on Google. Check it out

G-ann commented 1 year ago

Hello. I would love to be assigned to this issue .

Praise-Ugwum commented 1 year ago

Hi @maprehensive. I came up with this redesign.

To fulfil the Objectives:

ODX-K solution
jessjaey commented 1 year ago

@maprehensive I would like to work on this issue

Augusta2 commented 1 year ago

@JessicaItepu you can get it at the Repository Check under Applications and click any of the links.

Thimmo commented 1 year ago

Hello @maprehensive, These are what I have come up with

  • I added a caption to the synchronization icon for more clarity.
  • I moved the settings icon to the "meatball menu" as an additional menu allowing the Sync icon to stand out and reducing cognitive load for the user.
  • I added a feedback alert/notification to signify success or error during synchronization.

Menu Nav I ensured I followed the updated style guide during the design process. Let me know what you think about the design. Also, I'm still finding it difficult to locate the file for the logo of all ODK-X Services. Thank you

Hello, did you get the survey app to know what it looks like ib full? Thanks in advance for your response

Yes, I did.

Thimmo commented 1 year ago

Thank you for this reply. @Augusta2 also mentioned something helpful.

JessicaItepu commented 1 year ago

@JessicaItepu you can get it at the Repository Check under Applications and click any of the links.

Thank you

maprehensive commented 1 year ago

@G-ann @jessjaey Yes please go ahead and work on the issue. You no longer need to be assigned. thanks!

Augusta2 commented 1 year ago

@maprehensive This is the design I came up with. I removed the settings icon from the top bar. I met some people and had them test the app and I observed that they did not notice the 'Sort by' feature. To remedy this, I tried to make it more visible and within the reach of the users.

Augusta_Description Augusta_Description (2) Augusta_Description4

Augusta-Survey1 Augusta_SUrvey2 Augusta_Survey3 Augusta_Survey GIF 2 Augusta_Survey GIF Augusta_Recommendations

Click here to view the prototype on Figma

Here is the complete document on the Study and Description of this project.

Karimatu05 commented 1 year ago

@maprehensive Design Rationale Declutter the menu navigation System feedback for users (success and error state) Icon usability (Proper labels and consistent icon pack)

NOTE: Interface icons are from Material Icon Waiting to see your feedback soon, thank you


caxrii commented 1 year ago

@maprehensive I'd like to work on this

jessjaey commented 1 year ago

@maprehensive I'd like to work on this

Hi there, Read through the instructions, you can work on any issues without being a assigned

maprehensive commented 1 year ago

@Thimmo Nice work, this is well laid out and clearly expressed.

Note that this issue is focussed on the Survey app. I note there was a type in the body referring to Services - I've corrected that. The Services designs can go in a separate issue.

It's good that you've simplified the nav by removing the cog from the header.

You should also show what the menu looks like when it is open / selected, and how the 'Sort by' functionality will be treated.

Hope the helps for a next iteration. Well done.

maprehensive commented 1 year ago

@Praise-Ugwum Thanks - this is a nicely presented design.

The design shows Services app - this issue is for the Survey app navigation. Do you have a design for Survey?

Cveman1 commented 1 year ago

Hi again @maprehensive

I'm certain you must be getting loads of notifications.

As part of the efforts to uplift the UI of the ODK-X tools, I redesigned this menu navigation UI to give it a modern look and feel. This involved:

I used icons from the material design library as stated in the ODK-X Design Guidelines

I used fewer icons for only common affordances recognised by most users, in this case: The search and kebab (ellipsis) icons.

For two reasons:


Also, I introduced the search button which can be used consistently throughout ODK-X tools. This would help users search for terms in Surveys forms and retrieve data in Tables without having to scroll the length of each app. This addition should improve the overall user experience.

For the Menu:

I organized menu items into scannable groups, like most modern UIs.


The New Menu navigation UI now contains:

For Sorting

It is now simpler with a check mark to indicate a selected sorting type. This gives the user clearer feedback rather than a radio button.


View the prototype here:


Interact with the prototype here

Please, let me know what you think, I love feedback.

maprehensive commented 1 year ago

@Augusta2 Well done getting user feedback on the navigation and highlighting user issues in your design.

Moving Sort by into the page is a good way to address the issue of discoverability. Can this be done with standard Android design components? You could reference the material design guidelines to see if there is a standard design pattern that can be used.

Including a home button in the header may present some problems. It compromises the icon by adding elements to a small space, and in ODK-X you actually move between different applications (e.g. Survey > Services > Survey) so an app Home button will not solve the problem. The Android back button may still be the best solution here.

Good work. I would look forward to seeing another iteration with work on the Sort by proposal.

maprehensive commented 1 year ago

@Karimatu05 This is a well presented, clean design proposal.

It looks good, and it's great to see your icon design in there as well!

The menu for Survey has Sync, Settings, About and Sort by – your design has different options.

The sync icon rotates in different screens, is there a meaning behind this?

The behavior of Sync is mainly handled by the Services app, so showing the success/fail state in Survey may not easily work – it's a good concept, but the execution may be difficult.

Good stuff, thanks a lot.

Augusta2 commented 1 year ago

Thanks @maprehensive I will get right to it

Augusta2 commented 1 year ago

@maprehensive You said i should follow desighn guidelines. I assume you meant font colours and styles?

If yes, then I adjusted it Augusta_Sort3

I also came up with other designs for the sort by option.

For the first design, I agree with @Cveman1 and I think a search button will really be helpful especially as we have a long list of forms to go through. I think the search button really balances the sort by button visually (Although it's not the main function)

Augusta_Sort by1a or

Sort 1b


Augusta_Sort option

For this second design, the sort by option stands alone sort by 2

Karimatu05 commented 1 year ago

@Karimatu05 This is a well presented, clean design proposal.

It looks good, and it's great to see your icon design in there as well!

The menu for Survey has Sync, Settings, About and Sort by – your design has different options.

The sync icon rotates in different screens, is there a meaning behind this?

The behavior of Sync is mainly handled by the Services app, so showing the success/fail state in Survey may not easily work – it's a good concept, but the execution may be difficult.

Good stuff, thanks a lot.

@maprehensive ,The sync icon was added to aid user understand the system feedback and how that will enable them know what happening to the sync at a point. But since the implementation will be hard to fit in we can have it pending I believe. here is my second iteration. i would be waiting for your feedback please thank you Second Iteration2x

Pamela-owino commented 1 year ago

I removed the settings icon on the navigation bar and replaced it with the filter icon because the latter is more essential to the user. The filter button was hidden in the menu and, therefore, not easily accessible. Bringing it to a location where it can be seen makes the navigation bar more user friendly. I then placed settings, account, and about inside the menu. Redesign 1

caxrii commented 1 year ago

ODK-X Survey ODK-X Survey 01

@maprehensive Here is my thought on the issue the navigation needs to be simple and minimal for users to be able to understand the function and for easy use so i made all functions to be under the ellipsis menu as a drop-down list and made use of text to communicate the function, that way the user does not need to learn the function and it allows users using screen readers able to use the app effectively.

maprehensive commented 1 year ago

@Cveman1 Fantastic contribution - very ambitious, thoughtful and clearly explained.

My feedback:

Search - good feature suggestion. At my organization we have built a search field - except in Tables, where we render our forms -it's a useful feature. It is out of the scope of this task though, because we want to focus on redesign of existing functionality. That's not a problem, as I think your design changes still work without it.

New menu - this is a bold suggestion - I can see the potential value. I'm not clear on what Refresh and Contents are though - that needs more explanation.

Sort - good point about the radio button, that's a nice improvement. At first glance to me the italics made it seem less tappable. Could be just me, but would be worth checking with a few users if we were going ahead with the changes. Also, putting Sort by at the top is good - Sort and Sync may be the most commonly accessed actions.

If you do an iteration, I would remove the extra feature work, and focus on the improvements to the existing functionality.

Great work, thanks!

maprehensive commented 1 year ago

@Augusta2 great to see these iterations, nice work.

Search - same feedback as for @Cveman1 - good feature suggestion – it's a useful feature. It is out of the scope of this task though, because we want to focus on redesign of existing functionality. I agree that your treatment has a nice balance between the Sort and Search functions, it's nicely executed.

If you iterate again, remove the search feature, and I have a suggestion to evolve your good idea of exposing the Sort feature. Material design has a segmented button that could be a new way of presenting the sort options: https://m3.material.io/components/segmented-buttons/overview

You don't have to iterate again though! Your work here is good for your application, and if you want to move onto other issues that is ok.

Thanks again, good work!

maprehensive commented 1 year ago

@Karimatu05 This is looking really consistent and clean. The Material icons work well with your app icon, and the navigation looks very clear and usable.

I'm not completely sure what Sync info is, so that could may be be explained further.

Nice work!

maprehensive commented 1 year ago

@Pamela-owino Great to see the grid layout in action! 📐

Bringing the sort icon out of the menu is a simple and effective solution to make it more findable. And I think the icon is well-known enough that it works without a label. This is a good design solution.

Some feedback for improvements:

Nice work, thank you!

maprehensive commented 1 year ago

@Caxri7 Very clean and simple design and well explained.

The decision to remove the icons is a strong design choice. A possible improvement that wouldn't affect the simplicity is to change the order of the menu options by frequency of use.


caxrii commented 1 year ago

Thanks @maprehensive

Augusta2 commented 1 year ago

@Augusta2 great to see these iterations, nice work.

Search - same feedback as for @Cveman1 - good feature suggestion – it's a useful feature. It is out of the scope of this task though, because we want to focus on redesign of existing functionality. I agree that your treatment has a nice balance between the Sort and Search functions, it's nicely executed.

If you iterate again, remove the search feature, and I have a suggestion to evolve your good idea of exposing the Sort feature. Material design has a segmented button that could be a new way of presenting the sort options: https://m3.material.io/components/segmented-buttons/overview

You don't have to iterate again though! Your work here is good for your application, and if you want to move onto other issues that is ok.

Thanks again, good work!

Wow, thanks @maprehensive. I definitely learnt something new and I enjoyed the process.

Here is my design. I designed this in 3 states;

Unselected state Augusta_Toggle button

Pressed State Augusta_Toggle pressed

Selected state

Augusta_Toggle button2 Augusta_Toggle button3

Augusta_Toggle button GIF

I used the dimensions given by material design. Colours used are from the ODK-X design guidelines.