Open gmzang opened 3 years ago
Hi! Could you please share the whole code you run to get this error?
HI Adler, sure. I ran the demo of:
below is the source code of, and the errors appeared. Thanks for the help
[CERS2017] A. Chambolle, M. J. Ehrhardt, P. Richtarik and C.-B. Schoenlieb, Stochastic Primal-Dual Hybrid Gradient Algorithm with Arbitrary Sampling and Imaging Applications. ArXiv: (2017). """
from future import division, print_function import os import odl.contrib.solvers.spdhg as spdhg import odl.contrib.datasets.images as images import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib import numpy as np import odl import brewer2mpl
folder_out = '.' # to be changed filename = 'ROF_1k2_primal' nepoch = 300 niter_target = 2000 subfolder = '{}epochs'.format(nepoch)
folder_main = '{}/{}'.format(folder_out, filename) if not os.path.exists(folder_main): os.makedirs(folder_main)
folder_today = '{}/{}'.format(folder_main, subfolder) if not os.path.exists(folder_today): os.makedirs(folder_today)
folder_npy = '{}/npy'.format(folder_today) if not os.path.exists(folder_npy): os.makedirs(folder_npy)
image_gray = images.building(gray=True) X = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0], image_gray.shape, image_gray.shape) groundtruth = X.element(image_gray) clim = [0, 1]
data = odl.phantom.white_noise(X, mean=groundtruth, stddev=0.1, seed=1807)
if not os.path.exists('{}/groundtruth.png'.format(folder_main)): spdhg.save_image(groundtruth, 'groundtruth', folder_main, 1, clim=clim) spdhg.save_image(data, 'data', folder_main, 2, clim=clim)
alpha = .12 # set regularisation parameter gamma = 0.99 # gamma^2 is upper bound of step size constraint
Dx = odl.PartialDerivative(X, 0, pad_mode='symmetric') Dy = odl.PartialDerivative(X, 1, pad_mode='symmetric') A = odl.BroadcastOperator(Dx, Dy) Y = A.range
f = odl.solvers.SeparableSum(*[odl.solvers.L1Norm(Yi) for Yi in Y])
g = 1 / (2 alpha) odl.solvers.L2NormSquared(X).translated(data)
obj_fun = f * A + g # define objective function mu_g = 1 / alpha # define strong convexity constants
file_target = '{}/target.npy'.format(folder_main) if not os.path.exists(file_target):
# compute a saddle point with PDHG and time the reconstruction
callback = (odl.solvers.CallbackPrintIteration(step=10, end=', ') &
odl.solvers.CallbackPrintTiming(step=10, cumulative=True))
x_opt, y_opt =, # initialise variables
normA = np.sqrt(8) # compute norm of operator
sigma, tau = (gamma / normA,) * 2 # set step size parameters
# compute a saddle point with PDHG and time the reconstruction
odl.solvers.pdhg(x_opt, f, g, A, tau, sigma, niter_target, y=y_opt,
# subgradients at saddle
subx_opt = -A.adjoint(y_opt)
suby_opt = A(x_opt)
obj_opt = obj_fun(x_opt) # objective value at saddle
# save saddle point, (x_opt, y_opt, subx_opt, suby_opt, obj_opt, normA))
# show saddle point and subgradients
spdhg.save_image(x_opt, 'x_saddle', folder_main, 1, clim=clim)
spdhg.save_image(y_opt[0], 'y_saddle[0]', folder_main, 2)
spdhg.save_image(subx_opt, 'subx_saddle', folder_main, 3)
spdhg.save_image(suby_opt[0], 'suby_saddle[0]', folder_main, 4)
else: (x_opt, y_opt, subx_opt, suby_opt, obj_opt, normA) = np.load(file_target)
dist_x = odl.solvers.L2NormSquared(X).translated(x_opt) dist_y = odl.solvers.L2NormSquared(Y).translated(y_opt)
bregman_g = spdhg.bregman(g, x_opt, subx_opt)
bregman_f = odl.solvers.SeparableSum( *[spdhg.bregman(fi.convex_conj, yi, ri) for fi, yi, ri in zip(f, y_opt, suby_opt)])
class CallbackStore(odl.solvers.util.callback.Callback): """Callback to store function values"""
def __init__(self, alg, iter_save, iter_plot):
self.iter_save = iter_save
self.iter_plot = iter_plot
self.iter = 0
self.alg = alg
self.ex, self.ey =,
self.out = []
def __call__(self, w):
if self.iter > 0:
k = self.iter
self.ex = 1 / k * ((k - 1) * self.ex + w[0])
self.ey = 1 / k * ((k - 1) * self.ey + w[1])
if self.iter in self.iter_save:
obj = obj_fun(w[0])
breg_x = bregman_g(w[0])
breg_y = bregman_f(w[1])
breg = breg_x + breg_y
breg_ex = bregman_g(self.ex)
breg_ey = bregman_f(self.ey)
breg_erg = breg_ex + breg_ey
dx = dist_x(w[0])
dy = dist_y(w[1])
dist = dx + dy
dex = dist_x(self.ex)
dey = dist_y(self.ey)
dist_erg = dex + dey
self.out.append({'obj': obj, 'breg': breg, 'breg_x': breg_x,
'breg_y': breg_y, 'breg_erg': breg_erg,
'breg_ex': breg_ex, 'breg_ey': breg_ey,
'dist': dist, 'dist_x': dx, 'dist_y': dy,
'dist_erg': dist_erg, 'dist_ex': dex,
'dist_ey': dey, 'iter': self.iter})
if self.iter in self.iter_plot:
fname = '{}_{}'.format(self.alg, self.iter)
spdhg.save_image(w[0], fname, folder_today, 1, clim=clim)
self.iter += 1
nsub = {'pdhg': 1, 'pa_pdhg': 1, 'pesquet_uni2': 2, 'spdhg_uni2': 2, 'pa_spdhg_uni2': 2, 'odl': 1, 'pa_odl': 1}
niter, iter_save, iter_plot = {}, {}, {} for alg in nsub.keys(): niter[alg] = nepoch nsub[alg] iter_save[alg] = range(0, niter[alg] + 1, nsub[alg]) iter_plot[alg] = list(np.array([10, 20, 30, 40, 100, 300]) nsub[alg])
for alg in ['pdhg', 'pesquet_uni2', 'pa_pdhg', 'spdhg_uni2', 'pa_spdhg_uni2']: print('======= ' + alg + ' =======')
# clear variables in order not to use previous instances
prob, sigma, tau, theta = [None] * 4
# create lists for subset division
n = nsub[alg]
(sub2ind, ind2sub) = spdhg.divide_1Darray_equally(range(2), n)
# set random seed so that results are reproducable
# choose parameters for algorithm
if alg == 'pdhg' or alg == 'pa_pdhg':
prob_subset = [1] * n
prob = [1] * len(Y)
sigma = [gamma / normA] * len(Y)
tau = gamma / normA
elif alg == 'odl' or alg == 'pa_odl':
sigma = gamma / normA
tau = gamma / normA
elif alg == 'pesquet_uni2':
prob_subset = [1 / n] * n
prob = [1 / n] * len(Y)
sigma = [gamma / normA] * len(Y)
tau = gamma / normA
elif alg in ['spdhg_uni2'] or alg in ['pa_spdhg_uni2']:
normAi = [2] * n
prob_subset = [1 / n] * n
prob = [1 / n] * len(Y)
sigma = [gamma / nA for nA in normAi]
tau = gamma / (n * max(normAi))
assert False, "Parameters not defined"
# function that selects the indices every iteration
def fun_select(k):
return sub2ind[int(np.random.choice(n, 1, p=prob_subset))]
# output function to be used within the iterations
callback = (odl.solvers.CallbackPrintIteration(fmt='iter:{:4d}', step=n,
end=', ') &
odl.solvers.CallbackPrintTiming(fmt='time/iter: {:5.2f} s',
step=n, end=', ') &
odl.solvers.CallbackPrintTiming(fmt='time: {:5.2f} s',
cumulative=True, step=n) &
CallbackStore(alg, iter_save[alg], iter_plot[alg]))
x, y =, # initialise variables
callback([x, y])
if alg.startswith('pdhg') or alg.startswith('spdhg'):
spdhg.spdhg(x, f, g, A, tau, sigma, niter[alg], prob=prob, y=y,
fun_select=fun_select, callback=callback)
elif alg.startswith('pa_pdhg') or alg.startswith('pa_spdhg'):
spdhg.pa_spdhg(x, f, g, A, tau, sigma, niter[alg], mu_g, prob=prob,
y=y, fun_select=fun_select, callback=callback)
elif alg.startswith('odl'):
odl.solvers.pdhg(x, f, g, A, tau, sigma, niter[alg], y=y,
elif alg.startswith('pa_odl'):
odl.solvers.pdhg(x, f, g, A, tau, sigma, niter[alg], y=y,
callback=callback, gamma_primal=mu_g)
elif alg.startswith('pesquet'):
spdhg.spdhg_pesquet(x, f, g, A, tau, sigma, niter[alg],
fun_select=fun_select, y=y, callback=callback)
assert False, "Algorithm not defined"
out = callback.callbacks[1].out'{}/{}_output'.format(folder_npy, alg), (iter_save[alg],
niter[alg], x, out, nsub[alg]))
algs = ['pdhg', 'pesquet_uni2', 'pa_pdhg', 'spdhg_uni2', 'pa_spdhg_uni2']
iter_save_v, niter_v, image_v, out_v, nsub_v = {}, {}, {}, {}, {} for a in algs: (iter_save_v[a], niter_v[a], image_v[a], out_v[a], nsub_v[a]) = np.load( '{}/{}_output.npy'.format(folder_npy, a))
epochs_save = {a: np.array(iter_save_v[a]) / np.float(nsub_v[a]) for a in algs}
out_resorted = {} for a in algs: print('==== ' + a) out_resorted[a] = {} K = len(iter_save_v[a])
for meas in out_v[a][0].keys(): # quality measures
print(' ==== ' + meas)
out_resorted[a][meas] = np.nan * np.ones(K)
for k in range(K): # iterations
out_resorted[a][meas][k] = out_v[a][k][meas]
meas = 'obj_rel'
print(' ==== ' + meas)
out_resorted[a][meas] = np.nan * np.ones(K)
for k in range(K): # iterations
out_resorted[a][meas][k] = ((out_v[a][k]['obj'] - obj_opt) /
(out_v[a][0]['obj'] - obj_opt))
for a in algs: # algorithms for meas in out_resorted[a].keys(): # quality measures for k in range(K): # iterations if out_resorted[a][meas][k] <= 0: out_resorted[a][meas][k] = np.nan
fig = plt.figure() markers = plt.Line2D.filled_markers
all_plots = out_resorted[algs[0]].keys() logy_plot = ['obj', 'obj_rel', 'dist_x', 'dist_y', 'breg', 'breg_y', 'breg_x', 'ebreg', 'ebreg_x', 'ebreg_y']
for plotx in ['linx', 'logx']: for meas in all_plots: print('============ ' + plotx + ' === ' + meas + ' ============') fig = plt.figure(1) plt.clf()
if plotx == 'linx':
if meas in logy_plot:
for a in algs:
x = epochs_save[a]
y = out_resorted[a][meas]
plt.semilogy(x, y, linewidth=3, label=a)
for j, a in enumerate(algs):
x = epochs_save[a]
y = out_resorted[a][meas]
plt.plot(x, y, linewidth=3, marker=markers[j],
markersize=7, markevery=.1, label=a)
elif plotx == 'logx':
if meas in logy_plot:
for a in algs:
x = epochs_save[a][1:]
y = out_resorted[a][meas][1:]
plt.loglog(x, y, linewidth=3, label=a)
for j, a in enumerate(algs):
x = epochs_save[a][1:]
y = out_resorted[a][meas][1:]
plt.semilogx(x, y, linewidth=3, marker=markers[j],
markersize=7, markevery=.1, label=a)
plt.title('{} v iteration'.format(meas))
h = plt.gca()
fig.savefig('{}/{}_{}.png'.format(folder_today, plotx, meas),
lwidth = 2 lwidth_help = 2 lstyle = '-' lstyle_help = '--'
bmap = brewer2mpl.get_map('Paired', 'Qualitative', 5) colors = bmap.mpl_colors
matplotlib.rc('text', usetex=True) matplotlib.rcParams['text.latex.preamble'] = [r"\usepackage{amsmath}"]
fsize = 15 font = {'family': 'serif', 'size': fsize} matplotlib.rc('font', **font) matplotlib.rc('axes', labelsize=fsize) # fontsize of x and y labels matplotlib.rc('xtick', labelsize=fsize) # fontsize of xtick labels matplotlib.rc('ytick', labelsize=fsize) # fontsize of ytick labels matplotlib.rc('legend', fontsize=fsize) # legend fontsize
marker = ('o', 'v', 's', 'p', 'd') # set markers mevery = [(i / 30., .1) for i in range(20)] # how many markers to draw msize = 9 # marker size
algs = ['pdhg', 'pa_pdhg', 'spdhg_uni2', 'pa_spdhg_uni2', 'pesquet_uni2'] label = ['PDHG', 'PA-PDHG', 'SPDHG', 'PA-SPDHG', 'Pesquet\&Repetti'] fig = []
fig.append(plt.figure(1)) plt.clf() xlim = [1, 300] ylim = [2e-1, 1e+3] meas = 'dist_x' alg_i = [0, 1, 3] for j in alg_i: a = algs[j] x = epochs_save[a] y = out_resorted[a][meas] i = (np.less_equal(x, xlim[1]) & np.greater_equal(x, xlim[0]) & np.less_equal(y, ylim[1]) & np.greater_equal(y, ylim[0])) plt.loglog(x[i], y[i], color=colors[j], linestyle=lstyle, linewidth=lwidth, marker=marker[j], markersize=msize, markevery=mevery[j], label=label[j])
y = 5e+4 / np.array(iter_save_v[alg])**2 plt.loglog(x[i], y[i], color='gray', linestyle=lstyle_help, linewidth=lwidth_help, label=r'$\mathcal O(1/K^2)$')
plt.gca().set_xlabel('iterations [epochs]') plt.gca().set_ylabel('primal distance') plt.gca().yaxis.set_ticks(np.logspace(0, 2, 3)) plt.ylim((5e-1, 1e+3)) plt.legend(ncol=1, frameon=False)
fig.append(plt.figure(2)) plt.clf() ylim = [1e-5, 100] meas = 'obj_rel' alg_i = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] for j in alg_i: a = algs[j] x = epochs_save[a] y = out_resorted[a][meas] i = (np.less_equal(x, xlim[1]) & np.greater_equal(x, xlim[0]) & np.less_equal(y, ylim[1]) & np.greater_equal(y, ylim[0])) plt.loglog(x[i], y[i], color=colors[j], linestyle=lstyle, linewidth=lwidth, marker=marker[j], markersize=msize, markevery=mevery[j], label=label[j])
plt.gca().set_xlabel('iterations [epochs]') plt.gca().set_ylabel('relative objective') plt.gca().yaxis.set_ticks(np.logspace(-5, -1, 3)) plt.legend(frameon=False)
for i, fi in enumerate(fig): fi.savefig('{}/output{}.png'.format(folder_today, i), bbox_inches='tight')
And the error:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) ~/projects/tomosipo/ in 92 # compute a saddle point with PDHG and time the reconstruction 93 odl.solvers.pdhg(x_opt, f, g, A, tau, sigma, niter_target, y=y_opt, ---> 94 callback=callback) 95 96 # subgradients at saddle
~/projects/tomosipo/path/to/odlfolder/odl/solvers/nonsmooth/ in pdhg(x, f, g, L, niter, tau, sigma, **kwargs)
191 if f.domain != L.domain:
192 raise TypeError('f.domain
{!r} must equal op.domain
--> 193 ''.format(f.domain, L.domain))
195 # Step size parameters
TypeError: f.domain
ProductSpace(uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 442., 331.], (442, 331)), 2) must equal op.domain
uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 442., 331.], (442, 331))
Hello! That's a lot of code, but I think the issue is you have mixed up the functionals f and g. Please double check the documentation of pdhg, but I think just swapping them should solve this.
Hi all, I am trying the examples for spdhg algorithms in odl/contrib/solvers/spdhg/
However, (and others except reported this bug regarding domain mismatch, would you please help to have a look?? Thanks in advance.
BTW, the odl version i am using is latest, which installed with command: pip install
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) ~/projects/tomosipo/ in 97 # compute a saddle point with PDHG and time the reconstruction 98 odl.solvers.pdhg(x_opt, f, g, A, tau, sigma, niter_target, y=y_opt, ---> 99 callback=callback) 100 101 # subgradients at saddle
~/anaconda3/envs/tomosipo/lib/python3.6/site-packages/odl/solvers/nonsmooth/ in pdhg(x, f, g, L, niter, tau, sigma, **kwargs) 191 if f.domain != L.domain: 192 raise TypeError('
{!r} must equalop.domain
{!r}' --> 193 ''.format(f.domain, L.domain)) 194 195 # Step size parametersTypeError:
ProductSpace(uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 442., 331.], (442, 331)), 2) must equalop.domain
uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 442., 331.], (442, 331))