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'f.domain' is not equal to 'op.domain' for spdhg examples #1595

Open gmzang opened 3 years ago

gmzang commented 3 years ago

Hi all, I am trying the examples for spdhg algorithms in odl/contrib/solvers/spdhg/

However, ROF_1k2_primal.py (and others except get_started.py) reported this bug regarding domain mismatch, would you please help to have a look?? Thanks in advance.

BTW, the odl version i am using is latest, which installed with command: pip install https://github.com/odlgroup/odl/archive/master.zip

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) ~/projects/tomosipo/temp_test.py in 97 # compute a saddle point with PDHG and time the reconstruction 98 odl.solvers.pdhg(x_opt, f, g, A, tau, sigma, niter_target, y=y_opt, ---> 99 callback=callback) 100 101 # subgradients at saddle

~/anaconda3/envs/tomosipo/lib/python3.6/site-packages/odl/solvers/nonsmooth/primal_dual_hybrid_gradient.py in pdhg(x, f, g, L, niter, tau, sigma, **kwargs) 191 if f.domain != L.domain: 192 raise TypeError('f.domain {!r} must equal op.domain {!r}' --> 193 ''.format(f.domain, L.domain)) 194 195 # Step size parameters

TypeError: f.domain ProductSpace(uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 442., 331.], (442, 331)), 2) must equal op.domain uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 442., 331.], (442, 331))

adler-j commented 3 years ago

Hi! Could you please share the whole code you run to get this error?

gmzang commented 3 years ago

HI Adler, sure. I ran the demo of: https://github.com/odlgroup/odl/blob/master/odl/contrib/solvers/spdhg/examples/ROF_1k2_primal.py

below is the source code of ROF_1k2_primal.py, and the errors appeared. Thanks for the help

Copyright 2014-2019 The ODL contributors


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"""An example of using the SPDHG algorithm to solve a TV denoising problem with Gaussian noise. We exploit the strong convexity of the data term to get 1/k^2 convergence on the primal part. We compare different algorithms for this problem and visualize the results as in [CERS2017]. Reference

[CERS2017] A. Chambolle, M. J. Ehrhardt, P. Richtarik and C.-B. Schoenlieb, Stochastic Primal-Dual Hybrid Gradient Algorithm with Arbitrary Sampling and Imaging Applications. ArXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/1706.04957 (2017). """

from future import division, print_function import os import odl.contrib.solvers.spdhg as spdhg import odl.contrib.datasets.images as images import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib import numpy as np import odl import brewer2mpl

create folder structure and set parameters

folder_out = '.' # to be changed filename = 'ROF_1k2_primal' nepoch = 300 niter_target = 2000 subfolder = '{}epochs'.format(nepoch)

folder_main = '{}/{}'.format(folder_out, filename) if not os.path.exists(folder_main): os.makedirs(folder_main)

folder_today = '{}/{}'.format(folder_main, subfolder) if not os.path.exists(folder_today): os.makedirs(folder_today)

folder_npy = '{}/npy'.format(folder_today) if not os.path.exists(folder_npy): os.makedirs(folder_npy)

create ground truth

image_gray = images.building(gray=True) X = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0], image_gray.shape, image_gray.shape) groundtruth = X.element(image_gray) clim = [0, 1]

create data

data = odl.phantom.white_noise(X, mean=groundtruth, stddev=0.1, seed=1807)

save images and data

if not os.path.exists('{}/groundtruth.png'.format(folder_main)): spdhg.save_image(groundtruth, 'groundtruth', folder_main, 1, clim=clim) spdhg.save_image(data, 'data', folder_main, 2, clim=clim)

alpha = .12 # set regularisation parameter gamma = 0.99 # gamma^2 is upper bound of step size constraint

create forward operators

Dx = odl.PartialDerivative(X, 0, pad_mode='symmetric') Dy = odl.PartialDerivative(X, 1, pad_mode='symmetric') A = odl.BroadcastOperator(Dx, Dy) Y = A.range

set up functional f

f = odl.solvers.SeparableSum(*[odl.solvers.L1Norm(Yi) for Yi in Y])

set up functional g

g = 1 / (2 alpha) odl.solvers.L2NormSquared(X).translated(data)

obj_fun = f * A + g # define objective function mu_g = 1 / alpha # define strong convexity constants

create target / compute a saddle point

file_target = '{}/target.npy'.format(folder_main) if not os.path.exists(file_target):

# compute a saddle point with PDHG and time the reconstruction
callback = (odl.solvers.CallbackPrintIteration(step=10, end=', ') &
            odl.solvers.CallbackPrintTiming(step=10, cumulative=True))

x_opt, y_opt = X.zero(), Y.zero()  # initialise variables
normA = np.sqrt(8)  # compute norm of operator
sigma, tau = (gamma / normA,) * 2  # set step size parameters

# compute a saddle point with PDHG and time the reconstruction
odl.solvers.pdhg(x_opt, f, g, A, tau, sigma, niter_target, y=y_opt,

# subgradients at saddle
subx_opt = -A.adjoint(y_opt)
suby_opt = A(x_opt)

obj_opt = obj_fun(x_opt)  # objective value at saddle

# save saddle point
np.save(file_target, (x_opt, y_opt, subx_opt, suby_opt, obj_opt, normA))

# show saddle point and subgradients
spdhg.save_image(x_opt, 'x_saddle', folder_main, 1, clim=clim)
spdhg.save_image(y_opt[0], 'y_saddle[0]', folder_main, 2)
spdhg.save_image(subx_opt, 'subx_saddle', folder_main, 3)
spdhg.save_image(suby_opt[0], 'suby_saddle[0]', folder_main, 4)

else: (x_opt, y_opt, subx_opt, suby_opt, obj_opt, normA) = np.load(file_target)

set norms of the primal and dual variable

dist_x = odl.solvers.L2NormSquared(X).translated(x_opt) dist_y = odl.solvers.L2NormSquared(Y).translated(y_opt)

create Bregman distances for f and g

bregman_g = spdhg.bregman(g, x_opt, subx_opt)

define Bregman distance for f and f_p

bregman_f = odl.solvers.SeparableSum( *[spdhg.bregman(fi.convex_conj, yi, ri) for fi, yi, ri in zip(f, y_opt, suby_opt)])

class CallbackStore(odl.solvers.util.callback.Callback): """Callback to store function values"""

def __init__(self, alg, iter_save, iter_plot):
    self.iter_save = iter_save
    self.iter_plot = iter_plot
    self.iter = 0
    self.alg = alg
    self.ex, self.ey = X.zero(), Y.zero()
    self.out = []

def __call__(self, w):
    if self.iter > 0:
        k = self.iter
        self.ex = 1 / k * ((k - 1) * self.ex + w[0])
        self.ey = 1 / k * ((k - 1) * self.ey + w[1])

    if self.iter in self.iter_save:
        obj = obj_fun(w[0])
        breg_x = bregman_g(w[0])
        breg_y = bregman_f(w[1])
        breg = breg_x + breg_y
        breg_ex = bregman_g(self.ex)
        breg_ey = bregman_f(self.ey)
        breg_erg = breg_ex + breg_ey
        dx = dist_x(w[0])
        dy = dist_y(w[1])
        dist = dx + dy
        dex = dist_x(self.ex)
        dey = dist_y(self.ey)
        dist_erg = dex + dey

        self.out.append({'obj': obj, 'breg': breg, 'breg_x': breg_x,
                         'breg_y': breg_y, 'breg_erg': breg_erg,
                         'breg_ex': breg_ex, 'breg_ey': breg_ey,
                         'dist': dist, 'dist_x': dx, 'dist_y': dy,
                         'dist_erg': dist_erg, 'dist_ex': dex,
                         'dist_ey': dey, 'iter': self.iter})

    if self.iter in self.iter_plot:
        fname = '{}_{}'.format(self.alg, self.iter)
        spdhg.save_image(w[0], fname, folder_today, 1, clim=clim)

    self.iter += 1

number of subsets for each algorithm

nsub = {'pdhg': 1, 'pa_pdhg': 1, 'pesquet_uni2': 2, 'spdhg_uni2': 2, 'pa_spdhg_uni2': 2, 'odl': 1, 'pa_odl': 1}

number of iterations for each algorithm

niter, iter_save, iter_plot = {}, {}, {} for alg in nsub.keys(): niter[alg] = nepoch nsub[alg] iter_save[alg] = range(0, niter[alg] + 1, nsub[alg]) iter_plot[alg] = list(np.array([10, 20, 30, 40, 100, 300]) nsub[alg])

%% --- Run algorithms ---

TODO: ODL version to be included once the callback includes dual iterates

for alg in ['pdhg', 'pesquet_uni2', 'pa_pdhg', 'spdhg_uni2', 'pa_spdhg_uni2',

'odl', 'pa_odl']:

for alg in ['pdhg', 'pesquet_uni2', 'pa_pdhg', 'spdhg_uni2', 'pa_spdhg_uni2']: print('======= ' + alg + ' =======')

# clear variables in order not to use previous instances
prob, sigma, tau, theta = [None] * 4

# create lists for subset division
n = nsub[alg]
(sub2ind, ind2sub) = spdhg.divide_1Darray_equally(range(2), n)

# set random seed so that results are reproducable

# choose parameters for algorithm
if alg == 'pdhg' or alg == 'pa_pdhg':
    prob_subset = [1] * n
    prob = [1] * len(Y)
    sigma = [gamma / normA] * len(Y)
    tau = gamma / normA

elif alg == 'odl' or alg == 'pa_odl':
    sigma = gamma / normA
    tau = gamma / normA

elif alg == 'pesquet_uni2':
    prob_subset = [1 / n] * n
    prob = [1 / n] * len(Y)
    sigma = [gamma / normA] * len(Y)
    tau = gamma / normA

elif alg in ['spdhg_uni2'] or alg in ['pa_spdhg_uni2']:
    normAi = [2] * n
    prob_subset = [1 / n] * n
    prob = [1 / n] * len(Y)
    sigma = [gamma / nA for nA in normAi]
    tau = gamma / (n * max(normAi))

    assert False, "Parameters not defined"

# function that selects the indices every iteration
def fun_select(k):
    return sub2ind[int(np.random.choice(n, 1, p=prob_subset))]

# output function to be used within the iterations
callback = (odl.solvers.CallbackPrintIteration(fmt='iter:{:4d}', step=n,
                                               end=', ') &
            odl.solvers.CallbackPrintTiming(fmt='time/iter: {:5.2f} s',
                                            step=n, end=', ') &
            odl.solvers.CallbackPrintTiming(fmt='time: {:5.2f} s',
                                            cumulative=True, step=n) &
            CallbackStore(alg, iter_save[alg], iter_plot[alg]))

x, y = X.zero(), Y.zero()  # initialise variables
callback([x, y])

if alg.startswith('pdhg') or alg.startswith('spdhg'):
    spdhg.spdhg(x, f, g, A, tau, sigma, niter[alg], prob=prob, y=y,
                fun_select=fun_select, callback=callback)

elif alg.startswith('pa_pdhg') or alg.startswith('pa_spdhg'):
    spdhg.pa_spdhg(x, f, g, A, tau, sigma, niter[alg], mu_g, prob=prob,
                   y=y, fun_select=fun_select, callback=callback)

elif alg.startswith('odl'):
    odl.solvers.pdhg(x, f, g, A, tau, sigma, niter[alg], y=y,

elif alg.startswith('pa_odl'):
    odl.solvers.pdhg(x, f, g, A, tau, sigma, niter[alg], y=y,
                     callback=callback, gamma_primal=mu_g)

elif alg.startswith('pesquet'):
    spdhg.spdhg_pesquet(x, f, g, A, tau, sigma, niter[alg],
                        fun_select=fun_select, y=y, callback=callback)

    assert False, "Algorithm not defined"

out = callback.callbacks[1].out

np.save('{}/{}_output'.format(folder_npy, alg), (iter_save[alg],
        niter[alg], x, out, nsub[alg]))

%% --- Analyse and visualise the output ---

algs = ['pdhg', 'pesquet_uni2', 'pa_pdhg', 'spdhg_uni2', 'pa_spdhg_uni2']

iter_save_v, niter_v, image_v, out_v, nsub_v = {}, {}, {}, {}, {} for a in algs: (iter_save_v[a], niter_v[a], image_v[a], out_v[a], nsub_v[a]) = np.load( '{}/{}_output.npy'.format(folder_npy, a))

epochs_save = {a: np.array(iter_save_v[a]) / np.float(nsub_v[a]) for a in algs}

out_resorted = {} for a in algs: print('==== ' + a) out_resorted[a] = {} K = len(iter_save_v[a])

for meas in out_v[a][0].keys():  # quality measures
    print('    ==== ' + meas)
    out_resorted[a][meas] = np.nan * np.ones(K)

    for k in range(K):  # iterations
        out_resorted[a][meas][k] = out_v[a][k][meas]

meas = 'obj_rel'
print('    ==== ' + meas)
out_resorted[a][meas] = np.nan * np.ones(K)

for k in range(K):  # iterations
    out_resorted[a][meas][k] = ((out_v[a][k]['obj'] - obj_opt) /
                                (out_v[a][0]['obj'] - obj_opt))

for a in algs: # algorithms for meas in out_resorted[a].keys(): # quality measures for k in range(K): # iterations if out_resorted[a][meas][k] <= 0: out_resorted[a][meas][k] = np.nan

fig = plt.figure() markers = plt.Line2D.filled_markers

all_plots = out_resorted[algs[0]].keys() logy_plot = ['obj', 'obj_rel', 'dist_x', 'dist_y', 'breg', 'breg_y', 'breg_x', 'ebreg', 'ebreg_x', 'ebreg_y']

for plotx in ['linx', 'logx']: for meas in all_plots: print('============ ' + plotx + ' === ' + meas + ' ============') fig = plt.figure(1) plt.clf()

    if plotx == 'linx':
        if meas in logy_plot:
            for a in algs:
                x = epochs_save[a]
                y = out_resorted[a][meas]
                plt.semilogy(x, y, linewidth=3, label=a)
            for j, a in enumerate(algs):
                x = epochs_save[a]
                y = out_resorted[a][meas]
                plt.plot(x, y, linewidth=3, marker=markers[j],
                         markersize=7, markevery=.1, label=a)

    elif plotx == 'logx':
        if meas in logy_plot:
            for a in algs:
                x = epochs_save[a][1:]
                y = out_resorted[a][meas][1:]
                plt.loglog(x, y, linewidth=3, label=a)
            for j, a in enumerate(algs):
                x = epochs_save[a][1:]
                y = out_resorted[a][meas][1:]
                plt.semilogx(x, y, linewidth=3, marker=markers[j],
                             markersize=7, markevery=.1, label=a)

    plt.title('{} v iteration'.format(meas))
    h = plt.gca()

    fig.savefig('{}/{}_{}.png'.format(folder_today, plotx, meas),

%% --- Prepapare visual output as in [1] ---

set line width and style

lwidth = 2 lwidth_help = 2 lstyle = '-' lstyle_help = '--'

set colors using colorbrewer

bmap = brewer2mpl.get_map('Paired', 'Qualitative', 5) colors = bmap.mpl_colors

set latex options

matplotlib.rc('text', usetex=True) matplotlib.rcParams['text.latex.preamble'] = [r"\usepackage{amsmath}"]

set font

fsize = 15 font = {'family': 'serif', 'size': fsize} matplotlib.rc('font', **font) matplotlib.rc('axes', labelsize=fsize) # fontsize of x and y labels matplotlib.rc('xtick', labelsize=fsize) # fontsize of xtick labels matplotlib.rc('ytick', labelsize=fsize) # fontsize of ytick labels matplotlib.rc('legend', fontsize=fsize) # legend fontsize


marker = ('o', 'v', 's', 'p', 'd') # set markers mevery = [(i / 30., .1) for i in range(20)] # how many markers to draw msize = 9 # marker size

algs = ['pdhg', 'pa_pdhg', 'spdhg_uni2', 'pa_spdhg_uni2', 'pesquet_uni2'] label = ['PDHG', 'PA-PDHG', 'SPDHG', 'PA-SPDHG', 'Pesquet\&Repetti'] fig = []

draw first figure

fig.append(plt.figure(1)) plt.clf() xlim = [1, 300] ylim = [2e-1, 1e+3] meas = 'dist_x' alg_i = [0, 1, 3] for j in alg_i: a = algs[j] x = epochs_save[a] y = out_resorted[a][meas] i = (np.less_equal(x, xlim[1]) & np.greater_equal(x, xlim[0]) & np.less_equal(y, ylim[1]) & np.greater_equal(y, ylim[0])) plt.loglog(x[i], y[i], color=colors[j], linestyle=lstyle, linewidth=lwidth, marker=marker[j], markersize=msize, markevery=mevery[j], label=label[j])

y = 5e+4 / np.array(iter_save_v[alg])**2 plt.loglog(x[i], y[i], color='gray', linestyle=lstyle_help, linewidth=lwidth_help, label=r'$\mathcal O(1/K^2)$')

plt.gca().set_xlabel('iterations [epochs]') plt.gca().set_ylabel('primal distance') plt.gca().yaxis.set_ticks(np.logspace(0, 2, 3)) plt.ylim((5e-1, 1e+3)) plt.legend(ncol=1, frameon=False)

next figure

fig.append(plt.figure(2)) plt.clf() ylim = [1e-5, 100] meas = 'obj_rel' alg_i = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] for j in alg_i: a = algs[j] x = epochs_save[a] y = out_resorted[a][meas] i = (np.less_equal(x, xlim[1]) & np.greater_equal(x, xlim[0]) & np.less_equal(y, ylim[1]) & np.greater_equal(y, ylim[0])) plt.loglog(x[i], y[i], color=colors[j], linestyle=lstyle, linewidth=lwidth, marker=marker[j], markersize=msize, markevery=mevery[j], label=label[j])

plt.gca().set_xlabel('iterations [epochs]') plt.gca().set_ylabel('relative objective') plt.gca().yaxis.set_ticks(np.logspace(-5, -1, 3)) plt.legend(frameon=False)


for i, fi in enumerate(fig): fi.savefig('{}/output{}.png'.format(folder_today, i), bbox_inches='tight')

And the error:

<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes> WARNING:imageio:Lossy conversion from float64 to uint8. Range [0, 1]. Convert image to uint8 prior to saving to suppress this warning.

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) ~/projects/tomosipo/temp_test.py in 92 # compute a saddle point with PDHG and time the reconstruction 93 odl.solvers.pdhg(x_opt, f, g, A, tau, sigma, niter_target, y=y_opt, ---> 94 callback=callback) 95 96 # subgradients at saddle

~/projects/tomosipo/path/to/odlfolder/odl/solvers/nonsmooth/primal_dual_hybrid_gradient.py in pdhg(x, f, g, L, niter, tau, sigma, **kwargs) 191 if f.domain != L.domain: 192 raise TypeError('f.domain {!r} must equal op.domain {!r}' --> 193 ''.format(f.domain, L.domain)) 194 195 # Step size parameters

TypeError: f.domain ProductSpace(uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 442., 331.], (442, 331)), 2) must equal op.domain uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 442., 331.], (442, 331))


adler-j commented 3 years ago

Hello! That's a lot of code, but I think the issue is you have mixed up the functionals f and g. Please double check the documentation of pdhg, but I think just swapping them should solve this.