odoo-ide / pycharm-odoo

PyCharm plugin for Odoo
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Cannot resolve symbol in XML #383

Closed IJOL closed 1 year ago

IJOL commented 1 year ago

Every xml file in my project now, as i dont remember this being an issue a week or so ago, contains multiple errors like the ones below : Cannot resolve symbol 'ir.actions.act_window' Cannot resolve symbol 'name' Cannot resolve symbol 'res_model'

and so on, every xml file now has this kind of errors, is annoying because this complicates our precommit checks very much.. pycharm 2023.1.2 and updated plugin just few minutes ago.. odoo v10

trinhanhngoc commented 1 year ago

Hi @IJOL , can you provide additional information like PyCharm version, Odoo plugin version, Odoo version and screenshots of errors?

IJOL commented 1 year ago

Sorry, i was completing my initial report, pycharm 2023.1.2 and updated plugin just few minutes ago.. odoo v10

IJOL commented 1 year ago

Captura de pantalla de 2023-06-12 11-00-18

trinhanhngoc commented 1 year ago

@IJOL Have you tried Invalidate caches?

IJOL commented 1 year ago

Tried invalidate and restart without any boxes checked, and we use 3 odoo versions , v10 and v16 have the same problems reported but odoo v12 is not doing the same. the v12 xml opens without issues Captura de pantalla de 2023-06-12 11-22-17 Captura de pantalla de 2023-06-12 11-22-26

trinhanhngoc commented 1 year ago

@IJOL In this screenshot:

Have you set up the integration module to depend (directly or indirectly) on the queue_job module?

IJOL commented 1 year ago

of course, Captura de pantalla de 2023-06-12 11-50-31

trinhanhngoc commented 1 year ago

@IJOL Do you also get the same errors in Python files, for example:

self.env['queue.job.channel'] // error: unresolved reference 'queue.job.channel'
IJOL commented 1 year ago

v10 and v16 equally failed, v12 not, all the installs configs and so on are more or less the same, they all them run a sane odoo, working as charm, no issues related to odoo in itself, i've just checked that the views in odoo source open in all three without issues, and no the queue.job.channel model is present for sure.. i can open some other xml as example that do not relate to that queue module at all

IJOL commented 1 year ago

Captura de pantalla de 2023-06-12 12-03-34

trinhanhngoc commented 1 year ago

@IJOL This is my project structure, how about yours?

IJOL commented 1 year ago

Captura de pantalla de 2023-06-12 12-44-23

trinhanhngoc commented 1 year ago

@IJOL The errors appear in the project addons160, which I assume depends on the project odoo160. If true, please check if your Project Dependencies settings are correct.

IJOL commented 1 year ago

Ok, you nailed it, was a dependency problem, addons100 and 160 didnt depend in the corresponding odoo1XX, but in addons120 it was correct, many thanks, please delete all those images of my setup please , ;)..