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DotaPlus Endpoints Request #2100

Open Tsury opened 4 years ago

Tsury commented 4 years ago

Hey @howardchung, following our talk on Discord, here are the required API calls for DotaPlus - Just 2 endpoints. I tried to make them as minimal as possible and used the same field names and conventions of the existing OpenDota API whenever I could.

GET /dotanext/matchPlayers For each supplied account_id, return some general account info and some match info for each of their matches within the supplied game_mode, lobby_type and date parameters. If also supplied enemy_account_id or ally_account_id, return the lifetime wins and loses against or with supplied account ID, respectively.

Query Parameters:

Response: The response will be an object, with a key for each supplied account_id, and a value that looks like this:


Example URL: https://api.opendota.com/api/dotanext/matchPlayers/?account_id=94531730&account_id=351659733&account_id=104963314&account_id=345803031&account_id=206144913&enemy_account_id=81256461&game_mode=2,3,22&lobby_type=0,1,7,9&date=30

Example response (not for the supplied URL): It's just a basic response with 2 players and for each of them 2 matches (copy-pasted). Just to see the structure.

GET /dotanext/playerHeroPurchaseLogs For the supplied account_id and hero_id, return his purchase_log for each of the matches within the supplied hero_id, game_mode, lobby_type and date parameters.

Query Parameters:

Path Parameters:

Response: An array of purchase logs. Account/match IDs are not needed. Purely an array of purchase logs for each match.

Example URL: https://api.opendota.com/api/dotanext/playerHeroPurchaseLogs/94531730/68?game_mode=2,3,22&lobby_type=0,1,7,9&date=30

Example response: Simply an array of purchase logs

That's about it. I hope it's not too much and that it's possible. Thank you for your time and effort. Feel free to DM me on Discord if you have any questions, or just ask here.

howardchung commented 4 years ago

So for /matchPlayers, this appears to be data that could be assembled with the existing APis. Is the number of calls too high to do this by making individual calls?

Similarly for purchase logs, this data could be fetched by making individual calls to the match IDs you find in the matches listing, but this could be very inefficient.

We don't currently index in the match listing the full purchase log, but we do track the "time of first purchase" of each item, which might be enough for you: https://api.opendota.com/api/players/88367253/matches?project=purchase_time&limit=100

Tsury commented 4 years ago

I can't know for sure until I try to map all of the data into existing API calls, but it looks like every match will require between 4 and 5 calls per player (3-4 exclusiding purchase log), so for 10 players that will be around 40-50 calls. Putting aside the high amount of calls, in cases where a player fails to connect into a match and you are thrown into a new match, it may even exceed the 60 calls per minute limit. The other issue is the time-criticality. I'm not sure it's possible to reliably fetch all required info for bans suggestions within time limits, when taking into account poor network conditions/geographical aspects.

I can try to build a rough tester and check the feasibility, but even if I am able to make something work, I will be worried about its performance and realiability.

If it makes it any less of a big deal, I can forfiet the purchase logs endpoint for now.

howardchung commented 4 years ago

I believe we can't get around the 10 players part, since even if we aggregate the logic on the server side it'll still make the same queries to the database so the load isn't that much less. We could however combine the 4-5 possibly since it looks like your requested data is a combination of calls to /player, /player/matches and /player/wl, and we could assemble some of that data with one pass.

Purchase logs: If the example data I linked above won't fit your needs maybe we should skip that one for now. It'll use a lot more space to cache the full purchase logs in a way that can be queried by player.

Tsury commented 4 years ago

Aggregating the logic on the server side may not improve the time it takes the server to handle 10 players, but it will definitely improve the overall time it takes to eventually get all of the info due to the (much) lower amount of network calls required. I know this from my experience with STARTZ's API.

But yeah, even if you don't aggregate the logic on the server, combining the required data into 1 call per player will probably make it feasible. We can maybe revisit the aggregation part afterwards.

Regarding the purchase logs, I missed what you originally said about what data you keep. From what I see, having the first time of purchase for each type of item will be enough for me.

howardchung commented 4 years ago

Note that the purchase data is actually the sum of the purchase times, since I think I was trying to compute "average time of purchase" for each item. This may have unexpected results if a player buys multiples of the same item...

Sounds like a plan for the player data endpoint. Are you planning to implement the new endpoint yourself? I can probably do it, but might be a bit of a delay before I can get started

Tsury commented 4 years ago

I need the purchase data mainly for "interesting" items (bkb, hex, scepter, pipe, etc), so usually these are bought only once (rip selling bkb days), so should be fine.

I can look at the code and see how comfortable I am with implementing it myself. Haven't seen any code yet :) If I do it myself, can I bundle in the server-side aggregation of players? I really want it...

In any case thank you for your time and help, appreciated!