odota / web

React web interface for the OpenDota platform
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Old matches are gone #3189

Closed gwtjxyz closed 1 week ago

gwtjxyz commented 1 week ago

If I go back several years to check my dota matches, for example from a page like this, most matches are marked as parsed: image However, if I try to click on any one of these matches, for example the Winter Wyvern game, I only see this: image My records still seem to be in there but again, trying to click on any match that's over several years old gives me a 404. Even this match from 8 months ago gives me a 404, what gives? I've also noticed that historical trend data and word clouds for timelines older than around 4 years is gone, at least for me.

howardchung commented 1 week ago

This is due to the Steam API match details outage--I've re-enabled loading archived parsed data for matches that we have parsed in the past.

Some old unparsed matches may still be unavailable.