odow / DynamicProgramming.jl

A Julia package for Stochastic Dynamic Programming
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"Porting" to Julia 1.7 #10

Closed conema closed 2 years ago

conema commented 2 years ago


I read that you didn't plan to update this project to a new version of Julia, but maybe you would like this. It's a very minimal PR to make it work with Julia 1.7 and to pass all the tests, it will surely need some more work to use the newest Julia features.

If you have the time, I would like a review, and you can be as pedantic as you want (I'm just learning Julia, so it would be nice and very useful).

odow commented 2 years ago

Another thing to do is add a GitHub actions workflow for CI. Just copy this file for now: https://github.com/odow/SDDP.jl/blob/master/.github/workflows/ci.yml

conema commented 2 years ago

Hi Oscar, I should have done both. I checkout-ed the old build directory to make it disappear from the diff

odow commented 2 years ago

Okay, master is now passing tests! Thanks for your help :)

Please make any other changes you think would be useful. I never put much effort into this package other than the minimal amount I needed for my thesis.