odow / SDDP.jl

A JuMP extension for Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming
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Log auto-regressive states #128

Closed odow closed 6 years ago

odow commented 6 years ago

i.e. log(x(t)) = a log(x(t-1)) + b + omega

@lkapelevich you did this with JADE inflows yeah? @Thuener is looking at doing it for price.

It would be nice if this was implemented nicely.

lkapelevich commented 6 years ago

Random and log-AR(1) objective coefficients?

odow commented 6 years ago

See https://github.com/odow/SDDP.jl/blob/f27870347ac6eb996bad65c1c184c5c5b43240a2/examples/Nonlinear/log_auto_regressive.jl

Closing in favour of #70

odow commented 6 years ago

Hacking with @Thuener along the lines of

using SDDP, JuMP, Gurobi, Base.Test

    addconstraintnoise!(sp::JuMP.Model, x::JuMP.Variable, realizations::Vector{T}) where T

Add a stagewise-independent coefficient term into the model.

If multiple terms have random coefficents, then the length of realizations must
be the same in every case. This can also be used with stagewise-independent
right-hand side terms (via `@rhsnoise`), again with equal numbers of

### Example
If `w ∈ [1,2,3]` with equal probablilty, and we want to add the constraint:
    @constraint(sp, 2x + w*x <= 1)
    wx = addconstraintnoise!(sp, x, [1,2,3])
    @constraint(m, 2x + wx <= 1)

Note: This is a bit of a hack. Given a term `w*x` in the model, for example, in
a constraint such as `2x + w*x <= 1`, we introduce a dummy variable and a dummy
constraint so that: `dummyconstraint: dummy_variable == w * x`. This allows us
to deterministically work around the fact that JuMP cannot modify the
coefficient matrix.
function addconstraintnoise!(sp, x, realizations)
    if !haskey(sp.ext, :changes)
        # initialize storage
        sp.ext[:changes] = Tuple{Int,Int,Int}[]
    # create an anonymous variable that is `noise * x`
    noise_state = @variable(sp)
    # create a nicely canonicalized constraint `noise_state == noise * x` with
    # the dummy value of `noise=1.0` to start
    c = @constraint(sp, 1.0 * x - noise_state == 0.0)
    # create a dummy variable for the noise
    w = @variable(sp)
    # leverage SDDP.jl machinery to perform the random variable stuff,
    # substituting in the dummy variable for a fake constraint.
    c2 = @rhsnoise(sp, i=realizations, w==i)
    # store information for solvehook
    push!(sp.ext[:changes], (c.idx, x.col, c2.idx))
    # set solvehook if not already
    if sp.solvehook == nothing
        function our_solve_hook(sp; kwargs...)
            rows, cols, noise_terms = Int[], Int[], Float64[]
            for (r, c, w) in sp.ext[:changes]::Vector{Tuple{Int,Int,Int}}
                push!(rows, r)
                push!(cols, c)
                push!(noise_terms, sp.linconstr[w].ub)
            MathProgBase.changecoeffs!(JuMP.internalmodel(sp), rows, cols, noise_terms)
            solve(sp, ignore_solve_hook=true)
        JuMP.setsolvehook(sp, our_solve_hook)
    # return the anonymous variable that is `noise * x`
    return noise_state

m = SDDPModel(
        sense           = :Min,
        stages          = 2,
        objective_bound = 0.0,
        solver          = GurobiSolver(OutputFlag=0) ) do sp, t
    @state(sp, x>=0, x0==1.0)
    r_x = addconstraintnoise!(sp, x0, [1,2])
    @constraint(sp, x == r_x)
    @stageobjective(sp, x)
solve(m, iteration_limit=5)
@test getbound(m) == 3.75
# noise  = x      = objective
# (1, 1) = [1, 1] = 2
# (1, 2) = [1, 2] = 3
# (2, 1) = [2, 2] = 4
# (2, 2) = [2, 4] = 6
odow commented 6 years ago

See #148