odow / SDDP.jl

A JuMP extension for Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming
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Markov graph + Risk aversion #722

Closed Thiago-NovaesB closed 9 months ago

Thiago-NovaesB commented 9 months ago

I'm using Markovian policy graphs and the results don't make sense to me when I use worst-case.

I would like to better understand how SDDP.jl handles these two features together. What would be the worst case scenario? Is it the worst case scenario over all nodes in layer t+1? Or will it receive a cut referring to the worst case scenario for each node in the next layer, referring to the current forward/backward?

odow commented 9 months ago

Is it the worst case scenario over all nodes in layer t+1?

It's this. Which is also the the worst case scenario of the entire tree. I don't find this a very useful risk measure, because it is too cautious.

Thiago-NovaesB commented 9 months ago

This is exactly what I need! Maybe I'm understanding something wrong, so I prepared this small case to illustrate:

model = SDDP.MarkovianPolicyGraph(
    transition_matrices = Array{Float64,2}[
        [0.5 0.5],
        [0.5 0.5; 0.5 0.5],
    sense = :Max,
    upper_bound = 10000.0,
    optimizer = HiGHS.Optimizer,
) do subproblem, node
    t, markov_state = node
    @variable(subproblem, 0 <= volume <= 1.0, SDDP.State, initial_value = 1.0)
    @variables(subproblem, begin
        hydro_generation >= 0
            volume.out == volume.in - hydro_generation
    if markov_state == 1
            (1.5-0.1*t) * hydro_generation
            (2.0+2.5^t) * hydro_generation

SDDP.train(model, risk_measure=SDDP.EAVaR(lambda=0.0, beta=1.0))

simul = SDDP.simulate(model, 100,[:volume])

for i in 1:100

In this problem, I just want to empty the reservoir optimally. There are 2 markov states. One of them gets a little worse over time and the other gets a lot better over time. I expected the reservoir to empty in the first stage, since the worst case of the second stage is worse than the first stage. But he is saving the resource for the last stage. Could you help me understand this result?

odow commented 9 months ago

Your risk measure is equivalent to the expectation:

help?> SDDP.EAVaR(lambda=0.0, beta=1.0)
  EAVaR(;lambda=1.0, beta=1.0)

  A risk measure that is a convex combination of Expectation and Average Value @ Risk (also called
  Conditional Value @ Risk).

      λ * E[x] + (1 - λ) * AV@R(β)[x]

  Keyword Arguments

    •  lambda: Convex weight on the expectation ((1-lambda) weight is put on the AV@R component.
       Inreasing values of lambda are less risk averse (more weight on expectation).

    •  beta: The quantile at which to calculate the Average Value @ Risk. Increasing values of beta
       are less risk averse. If beta=0, then the AV@R component is the worst case risk measure.

use instead

help?> SDDP.WorstCase()

  The worst-case risk measure. Places all of the probability weight on the worst outcome.
Thiago-NovaesB commented 9 months ago

I chose the beta value wrongly, I wanted to make beta=0 instead of beta=1. With this fix, I'm getting the results I expected, thank you.

odow commented 9 months ago

No problem