This change allows strimzi to optionally be installed alongside any of our helm charts
This is needed when either
The user installing does not have admin rights to the cluster - for example they are a regular user given access to a namespace just to deploy apps
You want to install multiple versions of the egeria helm charts - for example when testing/debugging, or running a long-running cts whilst continuing with dev work!
Strimzi installs some cluster-scoped resources which a) are cluster-scoped ie global, and so cannot clash with namespace local and b) require higher permissions - again, due to their scope.
In both cases the strimzi operator should be installed first, manually. This can be done by following the official documentation or by installing the operator from the operator catalog. If you do not have cluster permissions you will need to ask a cluster administrator to do this before you can experiment with egeria
To skip the install of strimzi you can add an option ie:
helm install base egeria/egeria-base --set strimzi.enabled=false
We will still deploy the custom resource to create a kafka cluster, but this will only work if strimzi is installed on the cluster.
The default remains to install strimzi by default.
Signed-off-by: Nigel Jones
This change allows strimzi to optionally be installed alongside any of our helm charts
This is needed when either
Strimzi installs some cluster-scoped resources which a) are cluster-scoped ie global, and so cannot clash with namespace local and b) require higher permissions - again, due to their scope.
In both cases the strimzi operator should be installed first, manually. This can be done by following the official documentation or by installing the operator from the operator catalog. If you do not have cluster permissions you will need to ask a cluster administrator to do this before you can experiment with egeria
To skip the install of strimzi you can add an option ie:
We will still deploy the custom resource to create a kafka cluster, but this will only work if strimzi is installed on the cluster.
The default remains to install strimzi by default.