odrevet / video-without-flash-restartless

Watch video without flash restartless firefox extension
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Facebook videos support #3

Open mightyiam opened 10 years ago

mightyiam commented 10 years ago

Do you see a possibility for that, technically, please?

mightyiam commented 9 years ago

Does this mean no?

onlyjob commented 9 years ago

I also feel confused when bugs are closed without comment. Is it "fixed" or "wontfix/rejected" or "invalid"?

odrevet commented 9 years ago

I won't make a facebook video parser because I don't have a facebook account or have any intention to create one. I've reopen this issue in case someone would take it.

eMBee commented 8 years ago

some facebook pages are public and can be accessed without login. here for example: https://www.facebook.com/STBEYOND