odtuyzt / chrono-kit

An open source time series analysis library for processing, analyzing, visualising and forecasting time series data
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Implement State Space Models (ETS). #11

Closed hasanemirakin closed 1 year ago

hasanemirakin commented 1 year ago

Implement the different ETS models.

-https://otexts.com/fpp2/ets.html(from chapter 7.5 to 7.7 contains the explanations and informations needed)

hasanemirakin commented 1 year ago

ETS Models ETS(A,N,N) and ETS(M,N,N) was implemented. For the full table of ETS models: https://otexts.com/fpp2/ets.html#tab:ssm

hasanemirakin commented 1 year ago

I will implement E(A, Ad, M) and E(M,Ad,M) Edit: Both done.

AlperenOvak commented 1 year ago

I will implement E(A, A, N) and E(A, N, A). Edit: E(AAN) done

muguryalcin commented 1 year ago

I will implement E(A,A,A) and E(M,A,A).

kilavuza commented 1 year ago

I will implement E(M, A, N) and E(M, N, A).

hasanemirakin commented 1 year ago

I have reached some conclusions as a result of some research I want to share. The results of the ETS models we implement will most likely be very far off when compared to statsmodels. This is due to our implementation not having any parameter initialization functions. This leads to (in my case) some components having very large values. So, focus on implementing the fitting and forecasting equations for now. I will notify when the initialization functions are implemented.

hasanemirakin commented 1 year ago

One initialization function was implemented. Check model.py and state_space_models.py

hasanemirakin commented 1 year ago

Models Left: -E(A,N,M) -E(A,A,M) -E(M,N,M) -E(M,A,M)

Edit: All models are in progress of implementation

AlperenOvak commented 1 year ago

I will implement E(A, N, M)

kilavuza commented 1 year ago

I can implement E(M,N,M).

hasanemirakin commented 1 year ago

I will implement ETS(A,A,M) and ETS(M,A,M).

Edit: -AAM was implemented by @muguryalcin

hasanemirakin commented 1 year ago

All ETS models are either implemented or in progress of implementation.