oduwsdl / archivenow

A Tool To Push Web Resources Into Web Archives
MIT License
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Add Support for Megalodon.jp #23

Closed myano closed 5 years ago

myano commented 6 years ago

If possible, please add support for Megalodon.jp.

I've found some snippets of code around the Internet but when I've tried doing requests with the information from these projects, I always get megalodon.jp URL as the res.url and nothing useful in the res.headers in the response from the server.

I've tried replicating the cookies back but sometimes I get the error from their server "「Cookieが無効な状態」" which means it is complaining about them.

Anyone have any thoughts on how to submit URLs to Megalodon.jp in Python?

maturban commented 5 years ago

I have tried to push several different pages to Megalodon.jp and found that the archive does not accept most of non-Japanese pages, so I am not sure if I am going to add it to ArchiveNow.

But if you want to add Megalodon.jp to your own copy of ArchiveNow or use a separate Python script, here is the Python code that can push pages to Megalodon.jp:

import requests 

# an example page to be pushed into the archive 
uri = 'http://jp-australia.com/2019/intro/' 

r = requests.get('http://megalodon.jp/?url='+uri) 
token = str(r.content).split('"token" value="',1)[1].split('"',1)[0]
cookies = dict(PHPSESSID=r.headers['Set-Cookie'].split('PHPSESSID=',1)[1].split(';',1)[0])

r2 = requests.post('http://megalodon.jp/pc/get_simple/decide',
                    data={"url":uri, "token":token},
print 'The URI to the archived page :', str(r2.content).split('location.href = "',1)[1].split('"',1)[0]
myano commented 5 years ago

Makes sense.

I figured it had something to do with the token but I was trying to use their http://gyo.tc/ to submit URLs and I didn't realize the importance of the cookies.

Thank you for the code. I was able to fairly easily add it as a custom handler in archivenow.



maturban commented 5 years ago

Perfect. Is your code available on Github?

myano commented 5 years ago

@maturban I didn't put the whole fork up here, but here is a Gist of the two files I modified.

The first file is a patch file of the differences I made to index.html and the second file is the handler I wrote.
