oduwsdl / wsdlthesis

ODU WS-DL Thesis/Dissertation LaTeX Template
MIT License
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Add/Document a variant for compiling without images #17

Open machawk1 opened 6 years ago

machawk1 commented 6 years ago

My current draft takes some non-trivial amount of time (1m54s) to compile (pdflatex, bibtex, pdflatex, pdflatex) if images are included and rendered inline. For iterating to ensure changes in text were interpreted correctly (e.g., formulas, Xref'd figs), I would like a documented option for quicker compilation (currently 8sec for above 4 cmds with below cmd). Currently, prior to applying this template, I use the same class with two different options also containing stylistic differences (for higher information density while reviewing):

  1. Normal compile variant: \documentclass[10pt,phdthesis,doublespace,oneside,thesisdraft]{my_thesis_style}
  2. Quick-compile variant \documentclass[9pt,phdthesis,singlespace,oneside,thesisdraft,draft]{my_thesis_style}

A shorter option or toggle as defined within the wsdlthesis class would be useful.

ibnesayeed commented 6 years ago

The parent report class has a draft parameter available which can be passed from the wsdlthesis class too. This however, would only put an outline and image file names when figures are included, not the actual figures.

To give it a try, please change the first line of the main.tex to \documentclass[draft]{wsdlthesis} and profile the timing.

machawk1 commented 6 years ago

@ibnesayeed Will-do once I port my files over the hierarchy in this repo. In the meantime, the effects of the draft option should be documented in the README.

machawk1 commented 6 years ago

Additionally, at least in the "draft" feature in the class I am using (which I believe has a similar basis as wsdlthesis) is that even figures w/o images get the outline treatment. It would be useful to have a different variant where listings within figures are still displayed when the drafts option is enabled.

ibnesayeed commented 6 years ago

I did not add the anything specific about the draft parameter in the documentation, but I did mention this:

Any additional parameters to the wsdlthesis class will be passed on to the parent report class.

Currently, there is a fallback "catch all"-style parameter passing to the parent class. Any custom handling of draft mode would require more investment (which can be done if it is worth the effort).
