oeberle / BiLRP_explain_similarity

Code for the paper "Building and Interpreting Deep Similarity Models"
6 stars 3 forks source link

failed in running with PyTorch 1.8.1 #1

Closed askua closed 2 years ago

askua commented 2 years ago

System Enviroment: Windows 10 Python 3.7.6 Pytorch 1.8.1

First Run: RuntimeError: view size is not compatible with input tensor‘s size and stride

(1)line 91 r = r.view((1,self.filter_dict[self.feature_layer],self.h_proj,self.w_proj)) change to: r = r.contiguous().view((1,self.filter_dict[self.feature_layer],self.h_proj,self.w_proj))

(2)line 121: h_0_flat = h_0.view((self.h_projself.w_projself.filter_dict[self.feature_layer],)).unsqueeze(0) change to: h_0_flat = h_0.contiguous().view((self.h_projself.w_projself.filter_dict[self.feature_layer],)).unsqueeze(0)

reference: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_45377629/article/details/125583650

final bilrp.py version:

import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch, torch.nn as nn, torch.nn.functional as F import numpy from torchvision import datasets, models, transforms from utils import pool, newlayer, Flatten, Identity import numpy as np import os

def vgg_gamma(i): '''Setting gamma according to vgg layer index i''' if i <=10: gamma=0.5 if 11 <= i <= 17: gamma=0.25 if 18 <= i <= 24: gamma=0.1 if i > 24: gamma=0.0 return gamma

class VggLayers(nn.Module): def init(self, feature_layer, h,w, embedding_size = 100, proj_case='random', seed=1): super(VggLayers, self).init() self.feature_layer = feature_layer self.h, self.w = h,w self.proj_case = proj_case self.embedding_size = embedding_size self.ls = [5,10,17,24,31] self.device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") self.filter_dict = {'5':64, '10':128, '17':256, '24':512, '31':512} self.size_dict = {'5':2,'10':4, '17':8, '24':16, '31':32}


    if int(self.feature_layer) not in self.ls:
        raise ValueError('Please choose vgg-16 feature_layer from {}.'.format(list(map(str, self.ls))))

    if int(self.feature_layer) in self.ls:  
        self.h_proj, self.w_proj = int(self.h/self.size_dict[self.feature_layer]), int(self.w/self.size_dict[self.feature_layer])
        self.encoder= self.vgg_layer(int(self.feature_layer))   
        self.proj_dims = int(self.h_proj*self.w_proj*self.filter_dict[self.feature_layer])

    if self.proj_case == 'random':
        self.weight = torch.randn((self.proj_dims,self.embedding_size),  requires_grad=True).to(self.device)
        self.project = self.projection_conv(input_dim=self.proj_dims)
        self.project[0].weight = torch.nn.Parameter(self.weight,requires_grad=True )

def identity(self):
    return torch.nn.Sequential([Identity()])

def vgg_layer(self,layer):
    vgg_orig = models.vgg16(pretrained=True)
    layers = list(vgg_orig.features)[:layer] 
    return torch.nn.Sequential(*layers)      

def projection_conv(self, input_dim):                         
    pca = torch.nn.Sequential(*[Flatten(), nn.Conv2d(input_dim, self.embedding_size , (1,1), bias=False),])
    return pca    

def lrp(self, x, r, gamma_func):
    # Computig LRP relevances usig gamma-LRP

    mean = torch.Tensor([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]).reshape(1,-1,1,1).to(self.device)
    std  = torch.Tensor([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]).reshape(1,-1,1,1).to(self.device)

    lbound = (0-mean) / std
    hbound = (1-mean) / std

    if int(self.feature_layer) in self.ls:
        feature_layers, project_layers =  list(self.encoder) , list(self.project) 
        gamma_layers = [True]*len(feature_layers) + [False]*len(project_layers)
        layers = feature_layers + project_layers

    # Forward pass
    X   = [x.contiguous()]+[None for l in layers]
    for i,layer in enumerate(layers):
        X[i+1] = layer.forward(X[i]).contiguous()

    # Backward pass
    for i,layer in list(enumerate(layers))[::-1]:

        x = X[i].clone().detach().requires_grad_(True)

        # Set gamma=0. for projection layers
        gamma = gamma_func(i)  if gamma_layers[i] else 0.

        # Handling projection layer
        if isinstance(layer,Flatten): 
            if self.proj_case == 'random':
                if int(self.feature_layer) in self.ls:
                    r = r.contiguous().view((1,self.filter_dict[self.feature_layer],self.h_proj,self.w_proj))

        if isinstance(layer,nn.Conv2d) or isinstance(layer,nn.AvgPool2d) or isinstance(layer,nn.MaxPool2d):
            if i>0:
                # Handling intermediate Conv2D or AvgPool layers 
                z = newlayer(layer,lambda p: p + gamma*p.clamp(min=0)).forward(x)
                z = z  + 1e-9
                r = (x*x.grad).detach()                    

                # Input Conv2D layer
                l = (x.detach()*0+lbound).clone().detach().requires_grad_(True)
                h = (x.detach()*0+hbound).clone().detach().requires_grad_(True)
                z = layer.forward(x)-newlayer(layer,lambda p: p.clamp(min=0)).forward(l)-newlayer(layer,lambda p: p.clamp(max=0)).forward(h)
                r = (x*x.grad+l*l.grad+h*h.grad).detach()
    return r

def forward(self, x):
    h_0 = self.encoder(x)

    self.feature_shape = h_0.shape
    self.feature_data = h_0

    # Flatten vgg feature maps
    if self.proj_case == 'random':
        if int(self.feature_layer) in self.ls:
            h_0_flat = h_0.contiguous().view((self.h_proj*self.w_proj*self.filter_dict[self.feature_layer],)).unsqueeze(0)
        h_0_flat = h_0.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3)

    # Apply projection 
    o = self.project(h_0_flat)
    return h_0_flat, o

def compute_branch(self, x, gamma_func=None):
    # Compute embeddings
    h, e = self.forward(x) 
    y = e.squeeze()
    n_features = y.shape

    # Computing LRP maps for each embedding dimension
    R = []
    for k, yk in  enumerate(y):
        z = np.zeros((n_features[0]))
        z[k] = y[k].detach().cpu().numpy().squeeze()
        r_proj =  torch.FloatTensor((z.reshape([1,n_features[0],1,1]))).to(self.device).detach()
        r = self.lrp(x, r_proj, gamma_func).detach().cpu().numpy().squeeze()
    return R  

def bilrp(self, x1,x2, poolsize, gamma_func=None):
    # Computing LRP passes for each branch
    r1 = self.compute_branch(x1, gamma_func)
    r2 = self.compute_branch(x2, gamma_func)

    # Computing BiLRP relevances
    R = [np.array(r).sum(1) for r in [r1,r2]]
    R = np.tensordot(pool(R[0],poolsize),pool(R[1],poolsize), axes=(0,0))

    return R
oeberle commented 2 years ago

Should be resolved now. The reshaping using view() is not supported anymore in the newer PyTorch versions.