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Feedback on Open Gov case study submission form #1

Closed jlberryhill closed 5 years ago

jlberryhill commented 6 years ago

Hi all -- thanks for pulling together the initial build for the case study submission form. Some feedback and questions below:

Feedback -I'm getting a series of php errors that appear right under the Start Your Submission box (see screenshot) image


jlberryhill commented 6 years ago

Forgot another question -- should I also be checking out the back-end WordPress Dashboard, where the cases will come in?

conlaccento commented 6 years ago

Hello @jlberryhill, thank you for your feedback.

jlberryhill commented 6 years ago

Hi all -- I went through the form. My thoughts below:


Before You Begin page:

Innovation Owner page

Organisation Details page

Innovation Summary page

Innovation Description page

Innovation Reflections page Please change "Challenges and Failures" to just "Challenges"


jlberryhill commented 6 years ago

One more think @conlaccento -- the Open Gov team wants to add one more minor field.

After the innovation tags, could you please add the questions "Is this case part of Open Government Partnership action plan in your country?" With a radio button box for Yes/No


conlaccento commented 6 years ago

I just endend up with those fixes: all done except the one regarding the Innovation description page.

The fields are structured in groups, each group is a step of the form. For this architectural reason I can't move fields beetwen groups.

jlberryhill commented 5 years ago

Hi @conlaccento -- I've been away on travel but an now looking through all of the deliverables. I've broken down my feedback for the submission form below:

Feedback item #1:

For the submission form, there is a "Submit" button on every page. However, the submit button should only appear on the "Questionnaire Feedback & Misc" page. Like on the OPSI case study form (https://oecd-opsi.org/case-study-form), all pages leading up to the Questionnaire page should have "Back", "Save", and "Next". Please see screenshots below.

How it is now: image

How it should be: image

Tags The OPSI case study platform and the Open Gov case study platform will use an entirely different set of tags. It appears that you have added both sets of tags to "Innovation Tags" list in the back-end. This will not be sufficient, as now there is just a very big mashup of both tag sets. We have discussed this a lot with @marcochiesi, whi may be able to explain further.

Innovation Description page There are two empty fields. Could you please delete these? (see screenshot below)


conlaccento commented 5 years ago

Hi @jlberryhill, I fixed both the situations. About the Innovation tags I duplicate the taxonomy, so each set of tags can be managed indipendently.

jlberryhill commented 5 years ago

Hi @conlaccento -- The Open Gov team has requested some textual changes to their form (OPSI form would remain the same).

For the "Innovation Overview" field, please replace:

"The Innovation Overview is an overview of the project and outcomes. If you've already written a report about your project, this could also be your abstract or one-pager. This should summarize all of the information for the innovation at a high level. You will have the opportunity to elaborate on some of the details later in the submission. In approximately 3-4 paragraphs (maximum 5,000 characters), please tell us:"


"The Innovation Overview is an overview of the project and outcomes. You will have the opportunity to elaborate on some of the details later in the submission. In a maximum of 5,000 characters, please tell us:"

Please also replace the bullets below this with the following bullets:

**For the "Challenges" field Please replace "Describe what challenges have been faces, and potentially what failures have occurred (maximum 1,000 characters)."


"Describe what challenges have been encountered during design and/or implementation of the innovation (maximum 1,000 characters)."

Please delete the newsletter signup option

jlberryhill commented 5 years ago

@conlaccento -- I'm still seeing two empty fields on the Innovation Description page, right above the Back/Save/Next box (screenshot below). capture

There is also a blank field under the Innovation Overview field (above the tags). See screenshot below. capture2

The navigation buttons (BackSave/Next) are not really functioning like they should be.

(I stopped checking. It seems that nearly all of the Back and Next buttons are off).

When I go to edit an Open Gov case from the Innovations tab in my user profile, it tries to edit it using the OPSI form, not the Open Gov form.

conlaccento commented 5 years ago

All issues are done, except the last point.

What behaviour do you expect when try to edit a case that belong to both types (Opsi and OpenGov)?

jlberryhill commented 5 years ago

Thanks, @conlaccento.

Your last question is a good one. For case studies that only belong to one Case Type, could you please have them open to edit using the form of that case type. For example, I just used the Open Gov form to submit a case called "inno title here". When I view it under the Innovations tab in my profile, and I click edit, it opens the case in the OPSI form. Instead, this should open in the Open Gov form, since it is only the Open Gov case type.

For cases that have been cross-posted (e.g., are both case types), would it be possible to make it so that they open with the original case type? In this sense, I suppose there would be a Primary cas type (the original one) and a secondary case type (one that was added afterwards). The default submission form for a case in editing would be the one associated with the Primary case type.

I just got a batch of feedback from the Open Gov team. I will look through it an circle back.

jlberryhill commented 5 years ago

Hi @conlaccento -- I received some user testing feedback from the Open Gov team (below.

I think there is something generally misconfigured with the open gov admin permisisons group.


It does not seem possible to upload images and file. ALL registered users (even "Pending") should be able to upload images and files through the submission form

jlberryhill commented 5 years ago

Hi @conlaccento -- Strangely, the footer menu is showing a ton of links that arent supposed to be showing up.


This should mirror the OPSI website at https://oecd-opsi.org.

jlberryhill commented 5 years ago

Hi @conlaccento -- encountering strange error on the submission form page (see screenshot). The error reads, "Failed to load plugin: paste from url https://staging.oecd-opsi.org/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/plugin.min.js"


conlaccento commented 5 years ago

Hi @conlaccento -- I received some user testing feedback from the Open Gov team (below.

I think there is something generally misconfigured with the open gov admin permisisons group.

* They are now able to access the submission form, but most other links send them to their Edit Profile page. For example, when they click on one of the links on the "Before You Begin" page, it takes them to the Edit Profile page instead of the linked page.

* In addition, most of the menu items do not show up: (screenshot below). While we want the back-end to be fairly restricted for the Open Gov folks, they should have full browsing ability on the front-end, just like any regular user and any logged-in users.


It does not seem possible to upload images and file. ALL registered users (even "Pending") should be able to upload images and files through the submission form

Hi @jlberryhill, I made several test and fix those issues regarding taxonomies management and page restrictions for OpenGov admin: now everything should works as expected.

jlberryhill commented 5 years ago

Hi @conlaccento,

Thanks! I am logged into account TestUser123, which is a member of the Open Gov Admin permissions group. The "Explore what an innovation is and is not" link still sends me to a page to edit my profile, but the other links work.

When I am not logged in at all, OR when I am logged in as an Open Gov Admin, most of the menu links on the top of the page still do not show up. When I am logged in with an account that is not open gov admin, I see the full menu, as I should (second screenshot).



I am getting a PHP error at the top of all pages (screenshot below). capture11

Also getting some PHP errors on the case study submisison form page.



When I am logged into a regular user account (OpenGov3 -- not an open gov admin account), I am unabl to upload images and files (screenshot below). capture15

conlaccento commented 5 years ago

Thanks, @conlaccento.

Your last question is a good one. For case studies that only belong to one Case Type, could you please have them open to edit using the form of that case type. For example, I just used the Open Gov form to submit a case called "inno title here". When I view it under the Innovations tab in my profile, and I click edit, it opens the case in the OPSI form. Instead, this should open in the Open Gov form, since it is only the Open Gov case type.

For cases that have been cross-posted (e.g., are both case types), would it be possible to make it so that they open with the original case type? In this sense, I suppose there would be a Primary cas type (the original one) and a secondary case type (one that was added afterwards). The default submission form for a case in editing would be the one associated with the Primary case type.

I just got a batch of feedback from the Open Gov team. I will look through it an circle back.

Now there's a field called "Primary type", that is setted automatically to their first case type value, but can be changed from backend. The field value decide which form to use for editing.

conlaccento commented 5 years ago

About other issues I think they was all due to our work in progress, currently I can't replicate them.

This thread is becoming very long, if you have further issues to notify please open a new issue for each of them.