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Please add new header to OPSI platform #7

Closed jlberryhill closed 5 years ago

jlberryhill commented 5 years ago

@conlaccento - For the OPSI platform, could you please add a header that reads, "What is the Current Status of Your Innovation?" where indicated in the image below.


This does not apply to the Open Gov platform, as this question doesn't exist on their submission form.

For cases that are submitted through the form and then cross-listed to the OPSI form, this header doe snot need to appear because the field doe snot exist on the submission form the user used to submit their case.

conlaccento commented 5 years ago

Sorry I can't find this text: I thought it was the description for Innovation description field, but I found another text.

jlberryhill commented 5 years ago

@conlaccento -- the text does not exist yet. We are hoping that you can add that text (for the OPSI form only) under the Innovation Description section. Right now, the response for the Innovation Status question on the OPSI form appears in that section but does not have a header so it doesn't quit emake sense when reading it because it looks like it is a continuation of the text from "What Makes Your Project Innovative?"

conlaccento commented 5 years ago

Ok, done

jlberryhill commented 5 years ago

Thanks, @conlaccento . Works perfect for the OPSI cases. Hoping you may be able to adjust how it works on the Open Gov cases.

When viewing a case submitted through the Open Gov form, the "Innovation Status" question does not exist. so that header and section won't show up at all for cases submitted through the Open Gov form.

However, case submitted through the OPSI form do include this field. For cases that are submitted through the OPSI form and then cross-posted to the Open Gov platform, could you have it include the same header and text? Right now, for such cases, the header says "Innovation Status Text". But when viewing other Open Gov cases submitted through the Open Gov form, there would be no header and no text there.

conlaccento commented 5 years ago

This is a bit complicated. We need to choose which template to use when displaying a case: currently if the case belong to both type, OpenGov template is used. Maybe can we use the Primary type field instead? So you can choose freely which template to use

jlberryhill commented 5 years ago

@conlaccento - hmm. This is a bit confusing to me. I think we definitely would not want the Open Gov template to be the default template for any case that is dual-listed. Perhaps you are right that the Primary type would indicate which template is used.

This brings me to a different issue regarding tags. I flagged in #9 , it is important for the Open Gov aggregate page and the OPSI aggregate page to be filterable based on the applicable tag sets (either OPSI or Open Gov). This now makes me think about the tags for individual case study pages...

I think that naturally, the cases that are only Open Gov will have Open Gov tags, and the cases that are only OPSI will have the OPSI tags. But i am not confused about which set of tags will show up on the individual case study pages when it is published as both OPSI and Open Gov.

Perhaps it would list both. For example, considering the screenshot below,

  1. There would be an initial tag set based on the primary type. So in the screenshot below, where it says "Innovation Tags", it would say "Innovation Tags" if the primary type is OPSI, or it would say "Open Gov Tags" if the primary type is Open Gov.

  2. Then, under these tags, there would be a second set of tags. If the primary type is OPSI, it would say "Open Gov Tags", and if the primary type is Open Gov, it would say "Other Innovation Tags".

What do you think?


conlaccento commented 5 years ago

Ok, now everything should work as you described