The wished behaviour would be that both the khmer and english contents would be featured for each item. Basically, title and content should be available for each language the post has been written in.
Possible solutions:
The content api generates a title_CODE and content_CODE ( CODE = Language code) attribute for each of the languages.
The content api detecst the selected language and includes only the corresponding contents.
The best would be if the api could be configured so both options listed above are possible. using mqTranslate multilingual plugin
On!/map=63843 (notice /kh/ on the url) a list of posts is presented, featuring most of them in its Khmer version. When clicking the GET GEOJSON button, which generates following link, only the english versions of the contents are being included in the geojson file.
The wished behaviour would be that both the khmer and english contents would be featured for each item. Basically, title and content should be available for each language the post has been written in.
Possible solutions: