oeg-upm / morph-rdb

Virtual Knowledge Graph Creation from RDB with R2RML
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Escaping characters in TURTLE exports #47

Closed ailintom closed 5 years ago

ailintom commented 5 years ago

Another issue is escaping characters in TURTLE exports. According to the TURTLE specifications ( https://www.w3.org/TR/turtle/ ) , Turtle supports the following escape sequences:

Escape sequence Unicode
'\t' U+0009
'\b' U+0008
'\n' U+000A
'\r' U+000D
'\f' U+000C
'\"' U+0022
'\'' U+0027
'\\' U+005C

However, morph RDB converts all quotation-signs " in the original data into %22 instead of \". This is not supported by other software working with TURTLE. Hence, the data gets corrupted. This happens because GeneralUtility.encodeLiteral is applied to all literals regardless of the export format (both for XML and TURTLE exports)

ailintom commented 5 years ago

It looks like the problem is solved as of 3.12.0