oelna / hsma-html

Kursmaterialien für meinen Kurs Offenes Projekt: HTML aka. "VSTG" an der Hochschule Mannheim
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SVG Icon Systems #61

Open oelna opened 3 years ago

oelna commented 3 years ago



selimhex commented 3 years ago

how about Google Material Icons? https://material.io/resources/icons/ https://fonts.google.com/icons

zB. so ne Anwendung habe ich gefunden: https://materializecss.com/icons.html

Und mit Free & Pro Stufen gibts auch Font Awesome: https://fontawesome.com/

oelna commented 3 years ago

iA: On icons

oelna commented 2 years ago

When designing icons with 1.5px strokes, remember to keep your 1px on a pixel and let the .5 straddle pixels. If you don't, you'll end up with fuzzy grey lines.


oelna commented 2 years ago

Streamline COVID icons (free)

oelna commented 2 years ago


oelna commented 1 year ago

Microsoft Fluent Emoji (open source) https://github.com/microsoft/fluentui-emoji

oelna commented 1 year ago


oelna commented 1 year ago
