oemof / demandlib

Creating heat and power demand profiles from annual values.
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Calculating COP for heatpump #15

Closed Pyosch closed 4 years ago

Pyosch commented 5 years ago

Hello everybody,

I've been working on creating loadshapes as well when I found this very nice project. I would like to contribute parts of my work to the demandlib. As a first suggestion I have a few lines to calculate the coefficient of performance for air and ground heatpumps. The formulas can be found in this publication: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/255759857_A_review_of_domestic_heat_pumps

Do you think this is an appropriate addition? In which file should the code be added? In my Fork I wrote it into the bdew.py file as a function of the HeatBuilding class.

Greetings, Pyosch

henhuy commented 5 years ago

Hey @Pyosch,

some people (@birgits ?) at our institute already implemented a cop-heating alogrithm at https://github.com/rl-institut/appBBB/blob/master/appBBB/helper_heat_pump.py

I don't know if it fits your needs - maybe you could easily use it or adapt it?! Just wanted to mention it, before you dive into coding...

simnh commented 5 years ago

But maybe it would also be nice to have it in the demand lib right and not inside an app somewhere. @Pyosch I really like the idea!

Pyosch commented 5 years ago

@henhuy : after a first quick scan your solution seems to be way more complex than the one I have. Would be interesting to compare the results...

@simnh : ok, I'll try to clean up my code a little and then push the branch

uvchik commented 5 years ago

From my point of view the demandlib focuses on the demand side of an energy system, so I would not expect such equations here.

Therefore i would suggest to put it in the oemof-heat-components repository (I added an empty file there) or to integrate it into TESPy, which might be done already but you could compare your approach.

Pyosch commented 5 years ago

@uvchik : if this works for you so far, I guess we can close this issue and delete the pull request Thank you everyone :)

uvchik commented 5 years ago

I do not know if you got me right.

I do not want to delete the code, I would like to refactor it from a method to a function and put it to another place where it is more likely, that people will find it.

@Pyosch Is it possible for you to create a minimal example with your approach? I would move it to the oemof-heat-components afterwards (if you agree).

@henhuy If your code works you could also copy it to the oemof-heat-components repository. This repository is meant as a collection for such approaches.

In the first step, we want to collect approaches and in a second step we will discuss how to make such approaches available for other users. Creating a library, integrate it in existing libraries, just keep it as a collection,.....

uvchik commented 4 years ago

As @Pyosch is contributing here we can close this issue.