Tests for the BEV-facade, being developed in #94, are required to demonstrate stable behaviour.
How to prepare:
clone repo
create new environment with python 3,9/3.10 and activate
git checkout feature/battery-electric-vehicle
pip install -e ./
pip install black isort pre-commit
pre-commit install
conda install coin-or-cbc (or other solver)
How to start:
Checkout feature/battery-electric-vehicle
I set up some test draft here
Run this to check if everything is working. This test should work for now.
Please branch from feature/battery-electric-vehicle e.g. feature/bev-test to make a PR back to it.
What test to write:
We need test which introduce a predefined and logic behaviour which uses all the features. For this, the tests probably need to be separated like this:
dispatch tests
[x] only one V2G BEV (using V2G and all efficiencies)
[x] BEV trio (V2G, G2V, inflex) somehow similar to this but without multi-period and investment, maybe variable costs can be used to define dispatch priority?!
multi period invest test
[x] only one V2G BEV
[x] BEV trio
The graph shows the most complex energy system which is to be tested (shortage and excess shall not be needed)
Tests for the BEV-facade, being developed in #94, are required to demonstrate stable behaviour.
How to prepare:
git checkout feature/battery-electric-vehicle
pip install -e ./
pip install black isort pre-commit
pre-commit install
conda install coin-or-cbc
(or other solver)How to start:
I set up some test draft here Run this to check if everything is working. This test should work for now. Please branch fromfeature/battery-electric-vehicle
to make a PR back to it.What test to write:
We need test which introduce a predefined and logic behaviour which uses all the features. For this, the tests probably need to be separated like this:
dispatch tests
multi period invest test
The graph shows the most complex energy system which is to be tested (shortage and excess shall not be needed)