oercompbiomed / CBM101

Introduction to Computational Biomedicine and Machine Learning
MIT License
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Add datacamp courses? Obligatory? #1

Open veitveit opened 5 years ago

veitveit commented 5 years ago

Introduction to python and R might be useful. One can make datacamp "group" and then track the students' performance

karinSDU commented 5 years ago

I went through the first python and R courses and I find it highly relevant to at least require that they have the skills/knowledge corresponding to the content of those courses. I do not think that we should require that they take the course, but just recommend that they take the courses if they do NOT have the skills (without tracking that they have). People from the computational "part of the world" may want to take the course and should not be forced through a phyton/R course. In my opinion at least.