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[Request] Update php-mongodb #2112

Closed cognitus closed 4 days ago

cognitus commented 2 months ago

Frequently asked questions

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Extension mongodb 1.18.1 (https://pecl.php.net/package/mongodb) has been released.

It seems to be required for the newer releases of the Driver installed via composer require mongodb/mongodb

   Problem 1
    - mongodb/mongodb is locked to version 1.18.0 and an update of this package was not requested.
    - mongodb/mongodb 1.18.0 requires ext-mongodb ^1.18.0 -> it has the wrong version installed (1.17.0).
  Problem 2
    - mongodb/mongodb 1.18.0 requires ext-mongodb ^1.18.0 -> it has the wrong version installed (1.17.0).
    - mongodb/laravel-mongodb 4.2.0 requires mongodb/mongodb ^1.15 -> satisfiable by mongodb/mongodb[1.18.0].
    - mongodb/laravel-mongodb is locked to version 4.2.0 and an update of this package was not requested.

Describe the solution you'd like Please update the package.

keeshoekzema commented 2 weeks ago

Mongodb has released version 1.19.2 by now. Is there a way to help you update the package with a pull request somewhere or something similar?

oerdnj commented 4 days ago

Updated to 1.19.3