OERPUB Aloha Editor is a repo for the development of Aloha plugins, models, tests, and examples for use in the production of books and open educational resources. We intend to commit all code back to Aloha when plugins reach maturity.
Item 4 needs a bit of work. If you get some word content, for example http://www.houstonmethodist.org/WordPasteTest, you'll see that it does clean up nicely, except MsoNormal remains. It also doesn't handle openoffice content, and it should clean up the use of entities (such as ) which isn't valid in xhtml5.
Info from the redmine ticket:
Information from Petro at Aloha:
Indeed Aloha Editor has a specific content handler just for processing content that originates from Microsoft Word and Open/Libre Office documents:
The new paste handler needs some documentation, including how to test.
Some stuff that might be useful to include:
Testing book module: #repo/oerpub/test-book/edit/content/pasting-from-word-and-open-office-582cb3e8-d0a9-46d2-815f-b03d4cf73dec.html
Izak's email:
After a small css change (https://github.com/oerpub/Aloha-Editor/pull/123) the extra scrollbar issue in github-bookeditor is gone, so items 1 to 3 above works as advertised.
Item 4 needs a bit of work. If you get some word content, for example http://www.houstonmethodist.org/WordPasteTest, you'll see that it does clean up nicely, except MsoNormal remains. It also doesn't handle openoffice content, and it should clean up the use of entities (such as ) which isn't valid in xhtml5.
Info from the redmine ticket:
Information from Petro at Aloha: Indeed Aloha Editor has a specific content handler just for processing content that originates from Microsoft Word and Open/Libre Office documents:
More information on how to use the word content handler can be found in the Aloha Editor guides: