oetiker / mrtg

MRTG - Multi Router Traffic Grapher
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RouterUpTime does not honour/use colon options #94

Closed lukerg closed 1 year ago

lukerg commented 2 years ago

While the documentation does not state that the RouterUptime[] parameter accepts colon options (for version and port number), I would like it to do just that. The exact use case in my instance is interacting with vendor Cisco's Meraki cloud. It is also a tad non obvious, since colon options are accepted elsewhere in the configuration files.

lukerg commented 2 years ago

After some tampering around ( as well as learning enough perl to get by) I made this https://github.com/lukerg/mrtg/commit/7ae197abee7a7ae007290db0abdfb14cb957c454 After testing it against what I have, it works well enough. I made this throwaway script (https://pastebin.com/kPgmvuTD) while figuring out what would work. I am uncertain if I should make a pull request immediately for this matter, figuring it best to be patient and wait for someone else to review what I've made.

lukerg commented 1 year ago

Fixed by pull request.